Outline of this chapter

Parser construction

The main source of the parser is parser.y. Because it is *.y, it is the input for yacc and parse.c is generated from it.

Although one would expect lex.c to contain the scanner, this is not the case. This file is created by gperf, taking the file keywords as input, and defines the reserved word hashtable. This tool-generated lex.c is #included in (the also tool-generated) parse.c. The details of this process is somewhat difficult to explain at this time, so we shall return to this later.

Figure 1 shows the parser construction process. For the benefit of those readers using Windows who may not be aware, the mv (move) command creates a new copy of a file and removes the original. cc is, of course, the C compiler and cpp the C pre-processor.

!images/ch_parser_build.jpg(Parser construction process)!

Dissecting parse.y

Let’s now look at parse.y in a bit more detail. The following figure presents a rough outline of the contents of parse.y.

▼ parse.y <pre class="longlist"> %{ header %} %union …. %token …. %type ….



%% user code section parser interface scanner (character stream processing) syntax tree construction semantic analysis local variable management ID implementation </pre>

As for the rules and definitions part, it is as previously described. Since this part is indeed the heart of the parser, I’ll start to explain it ahead of the other parts in the next section.

There are a considerable number of support functions defined in the user code section, but roughly speaking, they can be divided into the six parts written above. The following table shows where each of parts are explained in this book.

_. Part _. Chapter _. Section
Parser interface This chapter Section 3 “Scanning”
Scanner This chapter Section 3 “Scanning”
Syntax tree construction Chapter 12 “Syntax tree construction” Section 2 “Syntax tree construction”
Semantic analysis Chapter 12 “Syntax tree construction” Section 3 “Semantic analysis”
Local variable management Chapter 12 “Syntax tree construction” Section 4 “Local variables”
ID implementation Chapter 3 “Names and name tables” Section 2 “ID and symbols”

General remarks about grammar rules

Coding rules

The grammar of ruby conforms to a coding standard and is thus easy to read once you are familiar with it.

Firstly, regarding symbol names, all non-terminal symbols are written in lower case characters. Terminal symbols are prefixed by some lower case character and then followed by upper case. Reserved words (keywords) are prefixed with the character k. Other terminal symbols are prefixed with the character t.

▼ Symbol name examples

_. Token _. Symbol name
(non-terminal symbol) bodystmt
if kIF
def kDEF
rescue kRESCUE
ConstName tCONST

The only exceptions to these rules are klBEGIN and klEND. These symbol names refer to the reserved words for “BEGIN” and “END”, respectively, and the l here stands for large. Since the reserved words begin and end already exist (naturally, with symbol names kBEGIN and kEND), these non-standard symbol names were required.

Important symbols

parse.y contains both grammar rules and actions, however, for now I would like to concentrate on the grammar rules alone. The script sample/exyacc.rb can be used to extract the grammar rules from this file. Aside from this, running yacc -v will create a logfile y.output which also contains the grammar rules, however it is rather difficult to read. In this chapter I have used a slighty modified version of exyacc.rb\footnote{modified exyacc.rb:tools/exyacc2.rb located on the attached CD-ROM} to extract the grammar rules.

parse.y(rules) <pre class="longlist"> program : compstmt

bodystmt : compstmt opt_rescue opt_else opt_ensure

compstmt : stmts opt_terms : : </pre>

The output is quite long - over 450 lines of grammar rules - and as such I have only included the most important parts in this chapter.

Which symbols, then, are the most important? The names such as program, expr, stmt, primary, arg etc. are always very important. It’s because they represent the general parts of the grammatical elements of a programming language. The following table outlines the elements we should generally focus on in the syntax of a program.

_. Syntax element _. Predicted symbol names
Program program prog file input stmts whole
Sentence statement stmt
Expression expression expr exp
Smallest element primary prim
Left hand side of an expression lhs(left hand side)
Right hand side of an expression rhs(right hand side)
Function call funcall function_call call function
Method call method method_call call
Argument argument arg
Function definition defun definition function fndef
Declarations declaration decl

In general, programming languages tend to have the following hierarchy structure.

_. Program element _. Properties
Program Usually a list of statements
Statement What can not be combined with the others. A syntax tree trunk.
Expression What is a combination by itself and can also be a part of another
expression. A syntax tree internal node.  
Primary An element which can not be further decomposed. A syntax tree leaf node.

The statements are things like function definitions in C or class definitions in Java. An expression can be a procedure call, an arithmetic expression etc., while a primary usually refers to a string literal or number. Some languages do not contain all of these symbol types, however they generally contain some kind of hierarchy of symbols such as programstmtexprprimary.

However, a structure at a low level can be contained by a superior structure. For example, in C a function call is an expression but it can solely be put. It means it is an expression but it can also be a statement.

Conversely, when surrounded in parentheses, expressions become primaries. It is because the lower the level of an element the higher the precedence it has.

The range of statements differ considerably between programming languages. Let’s consider assignment as an example. In C, because it is part of expressions, we can use the value of the whole assignment expression. But in Pascal, assignment is a statement, we cannot do such thing. Also, function and class definitions are typically statements however in languages such as Lisp and Scheme, since everything is an expression, they do not have statements in the first place. Ruby is close to Lisp’s design in this regard.

Program structure

Now let’s turn our attention to the grammar rules of ruby. Firstly, in yacc, the left hand side of the first rule represents the entire grammar. Currently, it is program. Following further and further from here, as the same as the established tactic, the four program stmt expr primary will be found. With adding arg to them, let’s look at their rules.

ruby grammar (outline) <pre class="longlist"> program : compstmt

compstmt : stmts opt_terms

stmts : none | stmt | stmts terms stmt

stmt : kALIAS fitem fitem | kALIAS tGVAR tGVAR : : | expr

expr : kRETURN call_args | kBREAK call_args : : | ‘!’ command_call | arg

arg : lhs ‘=’ arg | var_lhs tOP_ASGN arg | primary_value ‘[’ aref_args ‘]’ tOP_ASGN arg : : | arg ‘?’ arg ‘:’ arg | primary

primary : literal | strings : : | tLPAREN_ARG expr ‘)’ | tLPAREN compstmt ‘)’ : : | kREDO | kRETRY </pre>

If we focus on the last rule of each element, we can clearly make out a hierarchy of programstmtexprargprimary.

Also, we’d like to focus on this rule of primary.

primary         : literal
                | tLPAREN_ARG expr  ')'      /* here */

The name tLPAREN_ARG comes from t for terminal symbol, L for left and PAREN for parentheses - it is the open parenthesis. Why this isn’t '(' is covered in the next section “Context-dependent scanner”. Anyway, the purpose of this rule is demote an expr to a primary. This creates a cycle which can be seen in Figure 2, and the arrow shows how this rule is reduced during parsing.

!images/ch_parser_exprloop.jpg(expr demotion)!

The next rule is also particularly interesting.

primary         : literal
                | tLPAREN compstmt ')'   /* here */

A compstmt, which equals to the entire program (program), can be demoted to a primary with this rule. The next figure illustrates this rule in action.

!images/ch_parser_progloop.jpg(program demotion)!

This means that for any syntax element in Ruby, if we surround it with parenthesis it will become a primary and can be passed as an argument to a function, be used as the right hand side of an expression etc. This is an incredible fact. Let’s actually confirm it.

p((class C; end))
p((def a() end))
p((alias ali gets))
p((if true then nil else nil end))
p((1 + 1 * 1 ** 1 - 1 / 1 ^ 1))

If we invoke ruby with the -c option (syntax check), we get the following output.

% ruby -c primprog.rb
Syntax OK

Indeed, it’s hard to believe but, it could actually pass. Apparently, we did not get the wrong idea.

If we care about the details, since there are what rejected by the semantic analysis (see also Chapter 12 “Syntax tree construction”), it is not perfectly possible. For example passing a return statement as an argument to a function will result in an error. But at least at the level of the outlooks, the “surrounding anything in parenthesis means it can be passed as an argument to a function” rule does hold.

In the next section I will cover the contents of the important elements one by one.


program <pre class="longlist"> program : compstmt

compstmt : stmts opt_terms

stmts : none | stmt | stmts terms stmt </pre>

As mentioned earlier, program represents the entire grammar that means the entire program. That program equals to compstmts, and compstmts is almost equivalent to stmts. That stmts is a list of stmts delimited by terms. Hence, the entire program is a list of stmts delimited by terms.

terms is (of course) an abbreviation for “terminators”, the symbols that terminate the sentences, such as semicolons or newlines. opt_terms means “OPTional terms”. The definitions are as follows:

opt_terms <pre class="longlist"> opt_terms : | terms

terms : term | terms ‘;’

term : ‘;’ | ‘\n’ </pre>

The initial ; or \n of a terms can be followed by any number of ; only; based on that, you might start thinking that if there are 2 or more consecutive newlines, it could cause a problem. Let’s try and see what actually happens.

1 + 1   # first newline
        # second newline
        # third newline
1 + 1

Run that with ruby -c.

% ruby -c optterms.rb
Syntax OK

Strange, it worked! What actually happens is this: consecutive newlines are simply discarded by the scanner, which returns only the first newline in a series.

By the way, although we said that program is the same as compstmt, if that was really true, you would question why compstmt exists at all. Actually, the distinction is there only for execution of semantic actions. program exists to execute any semantic actions which should be done once in the processing of an entire program. If it was only a question of parsing, program could be omitted with no problems at all.

To generalize this point, the grammar rules can be divided into 2 groups: those which are needed for parsing the program structure, and those which are needed for execution of semantic actions. The none rule which was mentioned earlier when talking about stmts is another one which exists for executing actions – it’s used to return a NULL pointer for an empty list of type NODE*.


Next is stmt. This one is rather involved, so we’ll look into it a bit at a time.

stmt(1) <pre class="longlist"> stmt : kALIAS fitem fitem | kALIAS tGVAR tGVAR | kALIAS tGVAR tBACK_REF | kALIAS tGVAR tNTH_REF | kUNDEF undef_list | stmt kIF_MOD expr_value | stmt kUNLESS_MOD expr_value | stmt kWHILE_MOD expr_value | stmt kUNTIL_MOD expr_value | stmt kRESCUE_MOD stmt | klBEGIN ‘{‘ compstmt ‘}’ | klEND ‘{‘ compstmt ‘}’ </pre>

Looking at that, somehow things start to make sense. The first few have alias, then undef, then the next few are all something followed by _MOD – those should be statements with postposition modifiers, as you can imagine.

expr_value and primary_value are grammar rules which exist to execute semantic actions. For example, expr_value represents an expr which has a value. Expressions which don’t have values are return and break, or return/break followed by a postposition modifier, such as an if clause. For a detailed definition of what it means to “have a value”, see chapter 12, “Syntax Tree Construction”. In the same way, primary_value is a primary which has a value.

As explained earlier, klBEGIN and klEND represent BEGIN and END.

stmt(2) <pre class="longlist"> | lhs ‘=’ command_call | mlhs ‘=’ command_call | var_lhs tOP_ASGN command_call | primary_value ‘[’ aref_args ‘]’ tOP_ASGN command_call | primary_value ‘.’ tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_call | primary_value ‘.’ tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN command_call | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN command_call | backref tOP_ASGN command_call </pre>

Looking at these rules all at once is the right approach. The common point is that they all have command_call on the right-hand side. command_call represents a method call with the parentheses omitted. The new symbols which are introduced here are explained in the following table. I hope you’ll refer to the table as you check over each grammar rule.

lhs the left hand side of an assignment (Left Hand Side)
mlhs the left hand side of a multiple assignment (Multiple Left Hand Side)
var_lhs the left hand side of an assignment to a kind of variable (VARiable Left Hand Side)
tOP_ASGN compound assignment operator like += or *= (OPerator ASsiGN)
aref_args argument to a [] method call (Array REFerence)
tIDENTIFIER identifier which can be used as a local variable
tCONSTANT constant identifier (with leading uppercase letter)
tCOLON2 ::
backref $1 $2 $3...

aref is a Lisp jargon. There’s also aset as the other side of a pair, which is an abbreviation of “array set”. This abbreviation is used at a lot of places in the source code of ruby.

▼ `stmt` (3)

                | lhs '=' mrhs_basic
                | mlhs '=' mrhs

These two are multiple assignments. mrhs has the same structure as mlhs and it means multiple rhs (the right hand side). We’ve come to recognize that knowing the meanings of names makes the comprehension much easier.

▼ `stmt` (4)

                | expr

Lastly, it joins to expr.


▼ `expr`

expr            : kRETURN call_args
                | kBREAK call_args
                | kNEXT call_args
                | command_call
                | expr kAND expr
                | expr kOR expr
                | kNOT expr
                | '!' command_call
                | arg

Expression. The expression of ruby is very small in grammar. That’s because those ordinary contained in expr are mostly went into arg. Conversely speaking, those who could not go to arg are left here. And what are left are, again, method calls without parentheses. call_args is an bare argument list, command_call is, as previously mentioned, a method without parentheses. If this kind of things was contained in the “small” unit, it would cause conflicts tremendously.

However, these two below are of different kind.

expr kAND expr
expr kOR expr

kAND is “and”, and kOR is “or”. Since these two have their roles as control structures, they must be contained in the “big” syntax unit which is larger than command_call. And since command_call is contained in expr, at least they need to be expr to go well. For example, the following usage is possible …

  valid_items.include? arg  or raise ArgumentError, 'invalid arg'
# valid_items.include?(arg) or raise(ArgumentError, 'invalid arg')

However, if the rule of kOR existed in arg instead of expr, it would be joined as follows.

valid_items.include?((arg or raise)) ArgumentError, 'invalid arg'

Obviously, this would end up a parse error.


▼ `arg`

arg             : lhs '=' arg
                | var_lhs tOP_ASGN arg
                | primary_value '[' aref_args ']' tOP_ASGN arg
                | primary_value '.' tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg
                | primary_value '.' tCONSTANT tOP_ASGN arg
                | primary_value tCOLON2 tIDENTIFIER tOP_ASGN arg
                | backref tOP_ASGN arg
                | arg tDOT2 arg
                | arg tDOT3 arg
                | arg '+' arg
                | arg '-' arg
                | arg '*' arg
                | arg '/' arg
                | arg '%' arg
                | arg tPOW arg
                | tUPLUS arg
                | tUMINUS arg
                | arg '|' arg
                | arg '^' arg
                | arg '&' arg
                | arg tCMP arg
                | arg '>' arg
                | arg tGEQ arg
                | arg '<' arg
                | arg tLEQ arg
                | arg tEQ arg
                | arg tEQQ arg
                | arg tNEQ arg
                | arg tMATCH arg
                | arg tNMATCH arg
                | '!' arg
                | '~' arg
                | arg tLSHFT arg
                | arg tRSHFT arg
                | arg tANDOP arg
                | arg tOROP arg
                | kDEFINED opt_nl  arg
                | arg '?' arg ':' arg
                | primary

Although there are many rules here, the complexity of the grammar is not proportionate to the number of rules. A grammar that merely has a lot of cases can be handled very easily by yacc, rather, the depth or recursive of the rules has more influences the complexity.

Then, it makes us curious about the rules are defined recursively in the form of arg OP arg at the place for operators, but because for all of these operators their operator precedences are defined, this is virtually only a mere enumeration. Let’s cut the “mere enumeration” out from the arg rule by merging.

arg: lhs '=' arg              /* 1 */
   | primary T_opeq arg       /* 2 */
   | arg T_infix arg          /* 3 */
   | T_pre arg                /* 4 */
   | arg '?' arg ':' arg      /* 5 */
   | primary                  /* 6 */

There’s no meaning to distinguish terminal symbols from lists of terminal symbols, they are all expressed with symbols with T_. opeq is operator + equal, T_pre represents the prepositional operators such as '!' and '~', T_infix represents the infix operators such as '*' and '%'.

To avoid conflicts in this structure, things like written below become important (but, these does not cover all).

Since args partially overlaps lhs, if '=' is contained, the rule 1 and the rule 3 cannot be distinguished.

Since args contains primary, if they have any common rule, the rule 2 and the rule 3 cannot be distinguished.

If it contains, the rule 3 and 5 would produce a shift/reduce conflict.

If it contains, the rule 4 and 5 would conflict in a very complicated way.

The conclusion is all requirements are met and this grammar does not conflict. We could say it’s a matter of course.


Because primary has a lot of grammar rules, we’ll split them up and show them in parts.

▼ `primary` (1)

primary         : literal
                | strings
                | xstring
                | regexp
                | words
                | qwords

Literals. literal is for Symbol literals (:sym) and numbers.

▼ `primary` (2)

                | var_ref
                | backref
                | tFID

Variables. var_ref is for local variables and instance variables and etc. backref is for $1 $2 $3tFID is for the identifiers with ! or ?, say, include? reject!. There’s no possibility of tFID being a local variable, even if it appears solely, it becomes a method call at the parser level.

▼ `primary` (3)

                | kBEGIN

bodystmt contains rescue and ensure. It means this is the begin of the exception control.

▼ `primary` (4)

                | tLPAREN_ARG expr  ')'
                | tLPAREN compstmt ')'

This has already described. Syntax demoting.

▼ `primary` (5)

                | primary_value tCOLON2 tCONSTANT
                | tCOLON3 cname

Constant references. tCONSTANT is for constant names (capitalized identifiers).

Both tCOLON2 and tCOLON3 are ::, but tCOLON3 represents only the :: which means the top level. In other words, it is the :: of ::Const. The :: of Net::SMTP is tCOLON2.

The reason why different symbols are used for the same token is to deal with the methods without parentheses. For example, it is to distinguish the next two from each other:

p Net::HTTP    # p(Net::HTTP)
p Net  ::HTTP  # p(Net(::HTTP))

If there’s a space or a delimiter character such as an open parenthesis just before it, it becomes tCOLON3. In the other cases, it becomes tCOLON2.

▼ `primary` (6)

                | primary_value '[' aref_args ']'

Index-form calls, for instance, arr[i].

▼ `primary` (7)

                | tLBRACK aref_args ']'
                | tLBRACE assoc_list '}'

Array literals and Hash literals. This tLBRACK represents also '[', '[' means a '[' without a space in front of it. The necessity of this differentiation is also a side effect of method calls without parentheses.

The terminal symbols of this rule is very incomprehensible because they differs in just a character. The following table shows how to read each type of parentheses, so I’d like you to make use of it when reading.

▼ English names for each parentheses

| Symbol | English Name | | () | parentheses | | {} | braces | | [] | brackets |

▼ `primary` (8)

                | kRETURN
                | kYIELD '(' call_args ')'
                | kYIELD '(' ')'
                | kYIELD
                | kDEFINED opt_nl '('  expr ')'

Syntaxes whose forms are similar to method calls. Respectively, return, yield, defined?.

There arguments for yield, but return does not have any arguments. Why? The fundamental reason is that yield itself has its return value but return does not. However, even if there’s not any arguments here, it does not mean you cannot pass values, of course. There was the following rule in expr.

kRETURN call_args

call_args is a bare argument list, so it can deal with return 1 or return nil. Things like return(1) are handled as return (1). For this reason, surrounding the multiple arguments of a return with parentheses as in the following code should be impossible.

return(1, 2, 3)   # interpreted as return  (1,2,3) and results in parse error

You could understand more about around here if you will check this again after reading the next chapter “Finite-State Scanner”.

▼ `primary` (9)

                | operation brace_block
                | method_call
                | method_call brace_block

Method calls. method_call is with arguments (also with parentheses), operation is without both arguments and parentheses, brace_block is either { ~ } or do ~ end and if it is attached to a method, the method is an iterator. For the question “Even though it is brace, why is do ~ end contained in it?”, there’s a reason that is more abyssal than Marian Trench, but again the only way to understand is reading the next chapter “Finite-State Scanner”.

▼ `primary` (10)

  | kIF expr_value then compstmt if_tail kEND         # if
  | kUNLESS expr_value then compstmt opt_else kEND    # unless
  | kWHILE expr_value do compstmt kEND                # while
  | kUNTIL expr_value do compstmt kEND                # until
  | kCASE expr_value opt_terms case_body kEND         # case
  | kCASE opt_terms case_body kEND                    # case(Form2)
  | kFOR block_var kIN expr_value do compstmt kEND    # for

The basic control structures. A little unexpectedly, things appear to be this big are put inside primary, which is “small”. Because primary is also arg, we can also do something like this.

p(if true then 'ok' end)   # shows "ok"

I mentioned “almost all syntax elements are expressions” was one of the traits of Ruby. It is concretely expressed by the fact that if and while are in primary.

Why is there no problem if these “big” elements are contained in primary? That’s because the Ruby’s syntax has a trait that “it begins with the terminal symbol A and ends with the terminal symbol B”. In the next section, we’ll think about this point again.

▼ `primary` (11)

  | kCLASS cname superclass bodystmt kEND        # class definition
  | kCLASS tLSHFT expr term bodystmt kEND        # singleton class definition
  | kMODULE cname bodystmt kEND                  # module definition
  | kDEF fname f_arglist bodystmt kEND           # method definition
  | kDEF singleton dot_or_colon fname f_arglist bodystmt kEND
                                                 # singleton method definition

Definition statements. I’ve called them the class statements and the class statements, but essentially I should have been called them the class primaries, probably. These are all fit the pattern “beginning with the terminal symbol A and ending with B”, even if such rules are increased a lot more, it would never be a problem.

▼ `primary` (12)

                | kBREAK
                | kNEXT
                | kREDO
                | kRETRY

Various jumps. These are, well, not important from the viewpoint of grammar.

Conflicting Lists

In the previous section, the question “is it all right that if is in such primary?” was suggested. To proof precisely is not easy, but explaining instinctively is relatively easy. Here, let’s simulate with a small rule defined as follows:

%token A B o
element   : A item_list B

item_list :
          | item_list item

item      : element
          | o

element is the element that we are going to examine. For example, if we think about if, it would be if. element is a list that starts with the terminal symbol A and ends with B. As for if, it starts with if and ends with end. The o contents are methods or variable references or literals. For an element of the list, the o or element is nesting.

With the parser based on this grammar, let’s try to parse the following input.

A  A  o  o  o  B  o  A  o  A  o  o  o  B  o  B  B

They are nesting too many times for humans to comprehend without some helps such as indents. But it becomes relatively easy if you think in the next way. Because it’s certain that A and B which contain only several o between them are going to appear, replace them to a single o when they appear. All we have to do is repeating this procedure. Figure 4 shows the consequence.

!images/ch_parser_ablist.jpg(parse a list which starts with A and ends with B)!

However, if the ending B is missing, …

%token A o
element   : A item_list    /* B is deleted for an experiment */

item_list :
          | item_list item

item      : element
          | o

I processed this with yacc and got 2 shift/reduce conflicts. It means this grammar is ambiguous. If we simply take B out from the previous one, The input would be as follows.

A  A  o  o  o  o  A  o  A  o  o  o  o

This is hard to interpret in any way. However, there was a rule that “choose shift if it is a shift/reduce conflict”, let’s follow it as an experiment and parse the input with shift (meaning interior) which takes precedence. (Figure 5)

!images/ch_parser_alist.jpg(parse a list of lists which start with A)!

It could be parsed. However, this is completely different from the intention of the input, there becomes no way to split the list in the middle.

Actually, the methods without parentheses of Ruby is in the similar situation to this. It’s not so easy to understand but a pair of a method name and its first argument is A. This is because, since there’s no comma only between the two, it can be recognized as the start of a new list.

Also, the “practical” HTML contains this pattern. It is, for instance, when </p> or </i> is omitted. That’s why yacc could not be used for ordinary HTML at all.


Parser Outline

I’ll explain about the outline of the parser before moving on to the scanner. Take a look at Figure 6.

!images/ch_parser_interf.jpg(Parser Interface (Call Graph))!

There are three official interfaces of the parser: rb_compile_cstr(), rb_compile_string(), rb_compile_file(). They read a program from C string, a Ruby string object and a Ruby IO object, respectively, and compile it.

These functions, directly or indirectly, call yycompile(), and in the end, the control will be completely moved to yyparse(), which is generated by yacc. Since the heart of the parser is nothing but yyparse(), it’s nice to understand by placing yyparse() at the center. In other words, functions before moving on to yyparse() are all preparations, and functions after yyparse() are merely chore functions being pushed around by yyparse().

The rest functions in parse.y are auxiliary functions called by yylex(), and these can also be clearly categorized.

First, the input buffer is at the lowest level of the scanner. ruby is designed so that you can input source programs via both Ruby IO objects and strings. The input buffer hides that and makes it look like a single byte stream.

The next level is the token buffer. It reads 1 byte at a time from the input buffer, and keeps them until it will form a token.

Therefore, the whole structure of yylex can be depicted as Figure 7.

!images/ch_parser_scanner.jpg(The whole picture of the scanner)!

The input buffer

Let’s start with the input buffer. Its interfaces are only the three: nextc(), pushback(), peek().

Although this is sort of insistent, I said the first thing is to investigate data structures. The variables used by the input buffer are the followings:

▼ the input buffer

2279  static char *lex_pbeg;
2280  static char *lex_p;
2281  static char *lex_pend;


The beginning, the current position and the end of the buffer. Apparently, this buffer seems a simple single-line string buffer (Figure 8).

!images/ch_parser_ibuffer.jpg(The input buffer)!


Then, let’s look at the places using them. First, I’ll start with nextc() that seems the most orthodox.

▼ `nextc()`

2468  static inline int
2469  nextc()
2470  {
2471      int c;
2473      if (lex_p == lex_pend) {
2474          if (lex_input) {
2475              VALUE v = lex_getline();
2477              if (NIL_P(v)) return -1;
2478              if (heredoc_end > 0) {
2479                  ruby_sourceline = heredoc_end;
2480                  heredoc_end = 0;
2481              }
2482              ruby_sourceline++;
2483              lex_pbeg = lex_p = RSTRING(v)->ptr;
2484              lex_pend = lex_p + RSTRING(v)->len;
2485              lex_lastline = v;
2486          }
2487          else {
2488              lex_lastline = 0;
2489              return -1;
2490          }
2491      }
2492      c = (unsigned char)*lex_p++;
2493      if (c == '\r' && lex_p <= lex_pend && *lex_p == '\n') {
2494          lex_p++;
2495          c = '\n';
2496      }
2498      return c;
2499  }


It seems that the first if is to test if it reaches the end of the input buffer. And, the if inside of it seems, since the else returns -1 (EOF), to test the end of the whole input. Conversely speaking, when the input ends, lex_input becomes 0. ((errata: it does not. lex_input will never become 0 during ordinary scan.))

From this, we can see that strings are coming bit by bit into the input buffer. Since the name of the function which updates the buffer is lex_getline, it’s definite that each line comes in at a time.

Here is the summary:

if ( reached the end of the buffer )
    if (still there's more input)
        read the next line
        return EOF
move the pointer forward
skip reading CR of CRLF
return c

Let’s also look at the function lex_getline(), which provides lines. The variables used by this function are shown together in the following.

▼ `lex_getline()`

2276  static VALUE (*lex_gets)();     /* gets function */
2277  static VALUE lex_input;         /* non-nil if File */

2420  static VALUE
2421  lex_getline()
2422  {
2423      VALUE line = (*lex_gets)(lex_input);
2424      if (ruby_debug_lines && !NIL_P(line)) {
2425          rb_ary_push(ruby_debug_lines, line);
2426      }
2427      return line;
2428  }


Except for the first line, this is not important. Apparently, lex_gets should be the pointer to the function to read a line, lex_input should be the actual input. I searched the place where setting lex_gets and this is what I found:

▼ set `lex_gets`

2430  NODE*
2431  rb_compile_string(f, s, line)
2432      const char *f;
2433      VALUE s;
2434      int line;
2435  {
2436      lex_gets = lex_get_str;
2437      lex_gets_ptr = 0;
2438      lex_input = s;

2454  NODE*
2455  rb_compile_file(f, file, start)
2456      const char *f;
2457      VALUE file;
2458      int start;
2459  {
2460      lex_gets = rb_io_gets;
2461      lex_input = file;


rb_io_gets() is not an exclusive function for the parser but one of the general-purpose library of Ruby. It is the function to read a line from an IO object.

On the other hand, lex_get_str() is defined as follows:

▼ `lex_get_str()`

2398  static int lex_gets_ptr;

2400  static VALUE
2401  lex_get_str(s)
2402      VALUE s;
2403  {
2404      char *beg, *end, *pend;
2406      beg = RSTRING(s)->ptr;
2407      if (lex_gets_ptr) {
2408          if (RSTRING(s)->len == lex_gets_ptr) return Qnil;
2409          beg += lex_gets_ptr;
2410      }
2411      pend = RSTRING(s)->ptr + RSTRING(s)->len;
2412      end = beg;
2413      while (end < pend) {
2414          if (*end++ == '\n') break;
2415      }
2416      lex_gets_ptr = end - RSTRING(s)->ptr;
2417      return rb_str_new(beg, end - beg);
2418  }


lex_gets_ptr remembers the place it have already read. This moves it to the next \n, and simultaneously cut out at the place and return it.

Here, let’s go back to nextc. As described, by preparing the two functions with the same interface, it switch the function pointer when initializing the parser, and the other part is used in common. It can also be said that the difference of the code is converted to the data and absorbed. There was also a similar method of st_table.


With the knowledge of the physical structure of the buffer and nextc, we can understand the rest easily. pushback() writes back a character. If put it in C, it is ungetc().

▼ `pushback()`

2501  static void
2502  pushback(c)
2503      int c;
2504  {
2505      if (c == -1) return;
2506      lex_p--;
2507  }



peek() checks the next character without moving the pointer forward.

▼ `peek()`

2509  #define peek(c) (lex_p != lex_pend && (c) == *lex_p)


The Token Buffer

The token buffer is the buffer of the next level. It keeps the strings until a token will be able to cut out. There are the five interfaces as follows:

newtok begin a new token
tokadd add a character to the buffer
tokfix fix a token
tok the pointer to the beginning of the buffered string
toklen the length of the buffered string
toklast the last byte of the buffered string

Now, we’ll start with the data structures.

▼ The Token Buffer

2271  static char *tokenbuf = NULL;
2272  static int   tokidx, toksiz = 0;


tokenbuf is the buffer, tokidx is the end of the token (since it is of int, it seems an index), and toksiz is probably the buffer length. This is also simply structured. If depicting it, it would look like Figure 9.

!images/ch_parser_tbuffer.jpg(The token buffer)!

Let’s continuously go to the interface and read newtok(), which starts a new token.

▼ `newtok()`

2516  static char*
2517  newtok()
2518  {
2519      tokidx = 0;
2520      if (!tokenbuf) {
2521          toksiz = 60;
2522          tokenbuf = ALLOC_N(char, 60);
2523      }
2524      if (toksiz > 4096) {
2525          toksiz = 60;
2526          REALLOC_N(tokenbuf, char, 60);
2527      }
2528      return tokenbuf;
2529  }


The initializing interface of the whole buffer does not exist, it’s possible that the buffer is not initialized. Therefore, the first if checks it and initializes it. ALLOC_N() is the macro ruby defines and is almost the same as calloc.

The initial value of the allocating length is 60, and if it becomes too big (> 4096), it would be returned back to small. Since a token becoming this long is unlikely, this size is realistic.

Next, let’s look at the tokadd() to add a character to token buffer.

▼ `tokadd()`

2531  static void
2532  tokadd(c)
2533      char c;
2534  {
2535      tokenbuf[tokidx++] = c;
2536      if (tokidx >= toksiz) {
2537          toksiz *= 2;
2538          REALLOC_N(tokenbuf, char, toksiz);
2539      }
2540  }


At the first line, a character is added. Then, it checks the token length and if it seems about to exceed the buffer end, it performs REALLOC_N(). REALLOC_N() is a realloc() which has the same way of specifying arguments as calloc().

The rest interfaces are summarized below.

▼ `tokfix() tok() toklen() toklast()`

2511  #define tokfix() (tokenbuf[tokidx]='\0')
2512  #define tok() tokenbuf
2513  #define toklen() tokidx
2514  #define toklast() (tokidx>0?tokenbuf[tokidx-1]:0)


There’s probably no question.


yylex() is very long. Currently, there are more than 1000 lines. The most of them is occupied by a huge switch statement, it branches based on each character. First, I’ll show the whole structure that some parts of it are left out.

▼ `yylex` outline

3106  static int
3107  yylex()
3108  {
3109      static ID last_id = 0;
3110      register int c;
3111      int space_seen = 0;
3112      int cmd_state;
3114      if (lex_strterm) {
              /* ... string scan ... */
3131          return token;
3132      }
3133      cmd_state = command_start;
3134      command_start = Qfalse;
3135    retry:
3136      switch (c = nextc()) {
3137        case '\0':                /* NUL */
3138        case '\004':              /* ^D */
3139        case '\032':              /* ^Z */
3140        case -1:                  /* end of script. */
3141          return 0;
3143          /* white spaces */
3144        case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\r':
3145        case '\13': /* '\v' */
3146          space_seen++;
3147          goto retry;
3149        case '#':         /* it's a comment */
3150          while ((c = nextc()) != '\n') {
3151              if (c == -1)
3152                  return 0;
3153          }
3154          /* fall through */
3155        case '\n':
              /* ... omission ... */

            case xxxx:
            /* branches a lot for each character */
4103        default:
4104          if (!is_identchar(c) || ISDIGIT(c)) {
4105              rb_compile_error("Invalid char `\\%03o' in expression", c);
4106              goto retry;
4107          }
4109          newtok();
4110          break;
4111      }

          /* ... deal with ordinary identifiers ... */


As for the return value of yylex(), zero means that the input has finished, non-zero means a symbol.

Be careful that a extremely concise variable named “c” is used all over this function. space_seen++ when reading a space will become helpful later.

All it has to do as the rest is to keep branching for each character and processing it, but since continuous monotonic procedure is lasting, it is boring for readers. Therefore, we’ll narrow them down to a few points. In this book not all characters will be explained, but it is easy if you will amplify the same pattern.


Let’s start with what is simple first.

▼ `yylex` - `'!'`

3205        case '!':
3206          lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
3207          if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
3208              return tNEQ;
3209          }
3210          if (c == '~') {
3211              return tNMATCH;
3212          }
3213          pushback(c);
3214          return '!';


I wroute out the meaning of the code, so I’d like you to read them by comparing each other.

case '!':
  move to EXPR_BEG
  if (the next character is '=' then) {
      token is 「!=(tNEQ)」
  if (the next character is '~' then) {
      token is 「!~(tNMATCH)」
  if it is neither, push the read character back
  token is '!'

This case clause is short, but describes the important rule of the scanner. It is “the longest match rule”. The two characters "!=" can be interpreted in two ways: “! and =” or “!=”, but in this case "!=" must be selected. The longest match is essential for scanners of programming languages.

And, lex_state is the variable represents the state of the scanner. This will be discussed too much in the next chapter “Finite-State Scanner”, you can ignore it for now. EXPR_BEG indicates “it is clearly at the beginning”. This is because whichever it is ! of not or it is != or it is !~, its next symbol is the beginning of an expression.


Next, we’ll try to look at '<' as an example of using yylval (the value of a symbol).

▼ `yylex`−`'>'`

3296        case '>':
3297          switch (lex_state) {
3298            case EXPR_FNAME: case EXPR_DOT:
3299              lex_state = EXPR_ARG; break;
3300            default:
3301              lex_state = EXPR_BEG; break;
3302          }
3303          if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
3304              return tGEQ;
3305          }
3306          if (c == '>') {
3307              if ((c = nextc()) == '=') {
3308                  yylval.id = tRSHFT;
3309                  lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
3310                  return tOP_ASGN;
3311              }
3312              pushback(c);
3313              return tRSHFT;
3314          }
3315          pushback(c);
3316          return '>';


The places except for yylval can be ignored. Concentrating only one point when reading a program is essential.

At this point, for the symbol tOP_ASGN of >>=, it set its value tRSHIFT. Since the used union member is id, its type is ID. tOP_ASGN is the symbol of self assignment, it represents all of the things like += and -= and *=. In order to distinguish them later, it passes the type of the self assignment as a value.

The reason why the self assignments are bundled is, it makes the rule shorter. Bundling things that can be bundled at the scanner as much as possible makes the rule more concise. Then, why are the binary arithmetic operators not bundled? It is because they differs in their precedences.


If scanning is completely independent from parsing, this talk would be simple. But in reality, it is not that simple. The Ruby grammar is particularly complex, it has a somewhat different meaning when there’s a space in front of it, the way to split tokens is changed depending on the situation around. The code of ':' shown below is an example that a space changes the behavior.

▼ `yylex`−`':'`

3761        case ':':
3762          c = nextc();
3763          if (c == ':') {
3764              if (lex_state == EXPR_BEG ||  lex_state == EXPR_MID ||
3765                  (IS_ARG() && space_seen)) {
3766                  lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
3767                  return tCOLON3;
3768              }
3769              lex_state = EXPR_DOT;
3770              return tCOLON2;
3771          }
3772          pushback(c);
3773          if (lex_state == EXPR_END ||
                  lex_state == EXPR_ENDARG ||
                  ISSPACE(c)) {
3774              lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
3775              return ':';
3776          }
3777          lex_state = EXPR_FNAME;
3778          return tSYMBEG;


Again, ignoring things relating to lex_state, I’d like you focus on around space_seen.

space_seen is the variable that becomes true when there’s a space before a token. If it is met, meaning there’s a space in front of '::', it becomes tCOLON3, if there’s not, it seems to become tCOLON2. This is as I explained at primary in the previous section.


Until now, since there were only symbols, it was just a character or 2 characters. This time, we’ll look at a little long things. It is the scanning pattern of identifiers.

First, the outline of yylex was as follows:

    switch (c = nextc()) {
      case xxxx:
      case xxxx:

   the scanning code of identifiers

The next code is an extract from the end of the huge switch. This is relatively long, so I’ll show it with comments.

▼ `yylex` -- identifiers

4081        case '@':                 /* an instance variable or a class variable */
4082          c = nextc();
4083          newtok();
4084          tokadd('@');
4085          if (c == '@') {         /* @@, meaning a class variable */
4086              tokadd('@');
4087              c = nextc();
4088          }
4089          if (ISDIGIT(c)) {       /* @1 and such  */
4090              if (tokidx == 1) {
4091    rb_compile_error("`@%c' is not a valid instance variable name", c);
4092              }
4093              else {
4094    rb_compile_error("`@@%c' is not a valid class variable name", c);
4095              }
4096          }
4097          if (!is_identchar(c)) { /* a strange character appears next to @  */
4098              pushback(c);
4099              return '@';
4100          }
4101          break;
4103        default:
4104          if (!is_identchar(c) || ISDIGIT(c)) {
4105              rb_compile_error("Invalid char `\\%03o' in expression", c);
4106              goto retry;
4107          }
4109          newtok();
4110          break;
4111      }
4113      while (is_identchar(c)) {   /* between characters that can be used as identifieres */
4114          tokadd(c);
4115          if (ismbchar(c)) {      /* if it is the head byte of a multi-byte character */
4116              int i, len = mbclen(c)-1;
4118              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
4119                  c = nextc();
4120                  tokadd(c);
4121              }
4122          }
4123          c = nextc();
4124      }
4125      if ((c == '!' || c == '?') &&
              is_identchar(tok()[0]) &&
              !peek('=')) {      /* the end character of name! or name? */
4126          tokadd(c);
4127      }
4128      else {
4129          pushback(c);
4130      }
4131      tokfix();


Finally, I’d like you focus on the condition at the place where adding ! or ?. This part is to interpret in the next way.

obj.m=1       # obj.m  =   1       (not obj.m=)
obj.m!=1      # obj.m  !=  1       (not obj.m!)

((errata: this code is not relating to that condition))

This is “not” longest-match. The “longest-match” is a principle but not a constraint. Sometimes, you can refuse it.

The reserved words

After scanning the identifiers, there are about 100 lines of the code further to determine the actual symbols. In the previous code, instance variables, class variables and local variables, they are scanned all at once, but they are categorized here.

This is OK but, inside it there’s a little strange part. It is the part to filter the reserved words. Since the reserved words are not different from local variables in its character type, scanning in a bundle and categorizing later is more efficient.

Then, assume there’s str that is a char* string, how can we determine whether it is a reserved word? First, of course, there’s a way of comparing a lot by if statements and strcmp(). However, this is completely not smart. It is not flexible. Its speed will also linearly increase. Usually, only the data would be separated to a list or a hash in order to keep the code short.

/* convert the code to data */
struct entry {char *name; int symbol;};
struct entry *table[] = {
    {"if",     kIF},
    {"unless", kUNLESS},
    {"while",  kWHILE},
    /* …… omission …… */

    return lookup_symbol(table, tok());

Then, how ruby is doing is that, it uses a hash table. Furthermore, it is a perfect hash. As I said when talking about st_table, if you knew the set of the possible keys beforehand, sometimes you could create a hash function that never conflicts. As for the reserved words, “the set of the possible keys is known beforehand”, so it is likely that we can create a perfect hash function.

But, “being able to create” and actually creating are different. Creating manually is too much cumbersome. Since the reserved words can increase or decrease, this kind of process must be automated.

Therefore, gperf comes in. gperf is one of GNU products, it generates a perfect function from a set of values. In order to know the usage of gperf itself in detail, I recommend to do man gperf. Here, I’ll only describe how to use the generated result.

In ruby the input file for gperf is keywords and the output is lex.c. parse.y directly #include it. Basically, doing #include C files is not good, but performing non-essential file separation for just one function is worse. Particularly, in ruby, there's the possibility that extern+ functions are used by extension libraries without being noticed, thus the function that does not want to keep its compatibility should be static.

Then, in the lex.c, a function named rb_reserved_word() is defined. By calling it with the char* of a reserved word as key, you can look up. The return value is NULL if not found, struct kwtable* if found (in other words, if the argument is a reserved word). The definition of struct kwtable is as follows:

▼ `kwtable`

   1  struct kwtable {char *name; int id[2]; enum lex_state state;};


name is the name of the reserved word, id[0] is its symbol, id[1] is its symbol as a modification (kIF_MOD and such). lex_state is “the lex_state should be moved to after reading this reserved word”. lex_state will be explained in the next chapter.

This is the place where actually looking up.

▼ `yylex()` -- identifier -- call `rb_reserved_word()`

4173                  struct kwtable *kw;
4175                  /* See if it is a reserved word.  */
4176                  kw = rb_reserved_word(tok(), toklen());
4177                  if (kw) {



The double quote (") part of yylex() is this.

▼ `yylex` − `'"'`

3318        case '"':
3319          lex_strterm = NEW_STRTERM(str_dquote, '"', 0);
3320          return tSTRING_BEG;


Surprisingly it finishes after scanning only the first character. Then, this time, when taking a look at the rule, tSTRING_BEG is found in the following part:

▼ rules for strings

string1         : tSTRING_BEG string_contents tSTRING_END

string_contents :
                | string_contents string_content

string_content  : tSTRING_CONTENT
                | tSTRING_DVAR string_dvar
                | tSTRING_DBEG term_push compstmt '}'

string_dvar     : tGVAR
                | tIVAR
                | tCVAR
                | backref

term_push       :

These rules are the part introduced to deal with embedded expressions inside of strings. tSTRING_CONTENT is literal part, tSTRING_DBEG is "#{". tSTRING_DVAR represents “# that in front of a variable”. For example,


this kind of syntax. I have not explained but when the embedded expression is only a variable, { and } can be left out. But this is often not recommended. D of DVAR, DBEG seems the abbreviation of dynamic.

And, backref represents the special variables relating to regular expressions, such as $1 $2 or $& $'.

term_push is “a rule defined for its action”.

Now, we’ll go back to yylex() here. If it simply returns the parser, since its context is the “interior” of a string, it would be a problem if a variable and if and others are suddenly scanned in the next yylex(). What plays an important role there is …

      case '"':
        lex_strterm = NEW_STRTERM(str_dquote, '"', 0);
        return tSTRING_BEG;

lex_strterm. Let’s go back to the beginning of yylex().

▼ the beginning of `yylex()`

3106  static int
3107  yylex()
3108  {
3109      static ID last_id = 0;
3110      register int c;
3111      int space_seen = 0;
3112      int cmd_state;
3114      if (lex_strterm) {
              /* scanning string */
3131          return token;
3132      }
3133      cmd_state = command_start;
3134      command_start = Qfalse;
3135    retry:
3136      switch (c = nextc()) {


If lex_strterm exists, it enters the string mode without asking. It means, conversely speaking, if there’s lex_strterm, it is while scanning string, and when parsing the embedded expressions inside strings, you have to set lex_strterm to 0. And, when the embedded expression ends, you have to set it back. This is done in the following part:

▼ `string_content`

1916  string_content  : ....
1917                  | tSTRING_DBEG term_push
1918                      {
1919                          $1 = lex_strnest;
1920                          $$ = lex_strterm;
1921                          lex_strterm = 0;
1922                          lex_state = EXPR_BEG;
1923                      }
1924                    compstmt '}'
1925                      {
1926                          lex_strnest = $1;
1927                          quoted_term = $2;
1928                          lex_strterm = $3;
1929                          if (($$ = $4) && nd_type($$) == NODE_NEWLINE) {
1930                              $$ = $$->nd_next;
1931                              rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)$4);
1932                          }
1933                          $$ = NEW_EVSTR($$);
1934                      }


In the embedded action, `lex_stream` is saved as the value of `tSTRING_DBEG`
(virtually, this is a stack push),
it recovers in the ordinary action (pop).
This is a fairly smart way.

But why is it doing this tedious thing?
Can't it be done by, after scanning normally,
calling `yyparse()` recursively at the point when it finds `#{` ?
There's actually a problem.
`yyparse()` can't be called recursively.
This is the well known limit of `yacc`.
Since the `yyval` that is used to receive or pass a value is a global variable,
careless recursive calls can destroy the value.
With `bison` (`yacc` of GNU),
recursive calls are possible by using `%pure_parser` directive,
but the current ruby decided not to assume `bison`.
In reality, `byacc` (Berkely yacc) is often used in BSD-derived OS and Windows and such,
if `bison` is assumed, it causes a little cumbersome.

#### `lex_strterm`

As we've seen, when you consider `lex_stream` as a boolean value,
it represents whether or not the scanner is in the string mode.
But its contents also has a meaning.
First, let's look at its type.

▼ `lex_strterm`

  72  static NODE *lex_strterm;

This definition shows its type is `NODE*`. This is the type used for syntax tree and will be discussed in detail in Chapter 12: Syntax tree construction. For the time being, it is a structure which has three elements, since it is `VALUE` you don't have to `free()` it, you should remember only these two points.


2865  #define NEW_STRTERM(func, term, paren) \
2866          rb_node_newnode(NODE_STRTERM, (func), (term), (paren))

This is a macro to create a node to be stored in `lex_stream`. First, `term` is the terminal character of the string. For example, if it is a `"` string, it is `"`, and if it is a `'` string, it is `'`. `paren` is used to store the corresponding parenthesis when it is a `%` string. For example,
in this case, `paren` stores `'('`. And, `term` stores the closing parenthesis `')'`. If it is not a `%` string, `paren` is 0. At last, `func`, this indicates the type of a string. The available types are decided as follows:

▼ `func`

2775  #define STR_FUNC_ESCAPE 0x01  /* backslash notations such as \n are in effect  */
2776  #define STR_FUNC_EXPAND 0x02  /* embedded expressions are in effect */
2777  #define STR_FUNC_REGEXP 0x04  /* it is a regular expression */
2778  #define STR_FUNC_QWORDS 0x08  /* %w(....) or %W(....) */
2779  #define STR_FUNC_INDENT 0x20  /* <<-EOS(the finishing symbol can be indented) */
2781  enum string_type {
2782      str_squote = (0),
2783      str_dquote = (STR_FUNC_EXPAND),
2784      str_xquote = (STR_FUNC_ESCAPE|STR_FUNC_EXPAND),
2786      str_sword  = (STR_FUNC_QWORDS),
2787      str_dword  = (STR_FUNC_QWORDS|STR_FUNC_EXPAND),
2788  };

Each meaning of `enum string_type` is as follows: | `str_squote` | `'` string / `%q` | | `str_dquote` | `"` string / `%Q` | | `str_xquote` | command string (not be explained in this book) | | `str_regexp` | regular expression | | `str_sword` | `%w` | | `str_dword` | `%W` | #### String scan function The rest is reading `yylex()` in the string mode, in other words, the `if` at the beginning.

▼ `yylex`− string

3114      if (lex_strterm) {
3115          int token;
3116          if (nd_type(lex_strterm) == NODE_HEREDOC) {
3117              token = here_document(lex_strterm);
3118              if (token == tSTRING_END) {
3119                  lex_strterm = 0;
3120                  lex_state = EXPR_END;
3121              }
3122          }
3123          else {
3124              token = parse_string(lex_strterm);
3125              if (token == tSTRING_END || token == tREGEXP_END) {
3126                  rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)lex_strterm);
3127                  lex_strterm = 0;
3128                  lex_state = EXPR_END;
3129              }
3130          }
3131          return token;
3132      }

It is divided into the two major groups: here document and others. But this time, we won't read `parse_string()`. As I previously described, there are a lot of conditions, it is tremendously being a spaghetti code. If I tried to explain it, odds are high that readers would complain that "it is as the code is written!". Furthermore, although it requires a lot of efforts, it is not interesting. But, not explaining at all is also not a good thing to do, The modified version that functions are separately defined for each target to be scanned is contained in the attached CD-ROM (`doc/parse_string.html`). I'd like readers who are interested in to try to look over it. #### Here Document In comparison to the ordinary strings, here documents are fairly interesting. That may be because, unlike the other elements, it deal with a line at a time. Moreover, it is terrific that the starting symbol can exist in the middle of a program. First, I'll show the code of `yylex()` to scan the starting symbol of a here document.

▼ `yylex`−`'<'`

3260        case '<':
3261          c = nextc();
3262          if (c == '<' &&
3263              lex_state != EXPR_END &&
3264              lex_state != EXPR_DOT &&
3265              lex_state != EXPR_ENDARG &&
3266              lex_state != EXPR_CLASS &&
3267              (!IS_ARG() || space_seen)) {
3268              int token = heredoc_identifier();
3269              if (token) return token;

As usual, we'll ignore the herd of `lex_state`. Then, we can see that it reads only "`<<`" here and the rest is scanned at `heredoc_identifier()`.
Therefore, here is `heredoc_identifier()`.

▼ `heredoc_identifier()`

2926  static int
2927  heredoc_identifier()
2928  {
          /* ... omission ... reading the starting symbol */
2979      tokfix();
2980      len = lex_p - lex_pbeg;   /*(A)*/
2981      lex_p = lex_pend;         /*(B)*/
2982      lex_strterm = rb_node_newnode(NODE_HEREDOC,
2983                          rb_str_new(tok(), toklen()),  /* nd_lit */
2984                          len,                          /* nd_nth */
2985          /*(C)*/       lex_lastline);                  /* nd_orig */
2987      return term == '`' ? tXSTRING_BEG : tSTRING_BEG;
2988  }

The part which reads the starting symbol (`<<EOS`) is not important, so it is totally left out. Until now, the input buffer probably has become as depicted as Figure 10. Let's recall that the input buffer reads a line at a time. !images/ch_parser_lexparams.jpg(scanning `"printf\(<<EOS,n\)"`)! What `heredoc_identifier()` is doing is as follows:
(A) `len` is the number of read bytes in the current line.
(B) and, suddenly move `lex_p` to the end of the line.
It means that in the read line, the part after the starting symbol is read but not parsed. When is that rest part parsed? For this mystery, a hint is that at ==(C)== the `lex_lastline` (the currently read line) and `len` (the length that has already read) are saved. Then, the dynamic call graph before and after `heredoc_identifier` is simply shown below:
    yylex(case '<')
        heredoc_identifier(lex_strterm = ....)
    yylex(the beginning if)
And, this `here_document()` is doing the scan of the body of the here document. Omitting invalid cases and adding some comments, `heredoc_identifier()` is shown below. Notice that `lex_strterm` remains unchanged after it was set at `heredoc_identifier()`.

▼ `here_document()`(simplified)

here_document(NODE *here)
    VALUE line;                      /* the line currently being scanned */
    VALUE str = rb_str_new("", 0);   /* a string to store the results */

    /* ... handling invalid conditions, omitted ... */

    if (embeded expressions not in effect) {
        do {
            line = lex_lastline;     /*(A)*/
            rb_str_cat(str, RSTRING(line)->ptr, RSTRING(line)->len);
            lex_p = lex_pend;        /*(B)*/
            if (nextc() == -1) {     /*(C)*/
                goto error;
        } while (the currently read line is not equal to the finishing symbol);
    else {
        /* the embeded expressions are available ... omitted */
    lex_strterm = NEW_STRTERM(-1, 0, 0);
    yylval.node = NEW_STR(str);
    return tSTRING_CONTENT;
`rb_str_cat()` is the function to connect a `char*` at the end of a Ruby string. It means that the currently being read line `lex_lastline` is connected to `str` at (A). After it is connected, there's no use of the current line. At (B), suddenly moving `lex_p` to the end of line. And ==(C)== is a problem, in this place, it looks like doing the check whether it is finished, but actually the next "line" is read. I'd like you to recall that `nextc()` automatically reads the next line when the current line has finished to be read. So, since the current line is forcibly finished at (B), `lex_p` moves to the next line at ==(C)==. And finally, leaving the `do` ~ `while` loop, it is `heredoc_restore()`.

▼ `heredoc_restore()`

2990  static void
2991  heredoc_restore(here)
2992      NODE *here;
2993  {
2994      VALUE line = here->nd_orig;
2995      lex_lastline = line;
2996      lex_pbeg = RSTRING(line)->ptr;
2997      lex_pend = lex_pbeg + RSTRING(line)->len;
2998      lex_p = lex_pbeg + here->nd_nth;
2999      heredoc_end = ruby_sourceline;
3000      ruby_sourceline = nd_line(here);
3001      rb_gc_force_recycle(here->nd_lit);
3002      rb_gc_force_recycle((VALUE)here);
3003  }

`here->nd_orig` holds the line which contains the starting symbol.
`here->nd_nth` holds the length already read in the line contains the starting symbol.
It means it can continue to scan from the just after the starting symbol as if there was nothing happened. (Figure 11) !images/ch_parser_heredoc.jpg(The picture of assignation of scanning Here Document)!