h1(#chapter). Chapter 13: Structure of the evaluator

h2. Outline

h3. Interface

We are not familiar with the word “Hyo-ka-ki” (evaluator). Literally, it must be a “-ki” (device) to “hyo-ka” (evaluating). Then, what is “hyo-ka”?

“Hyo-ka” is the definitive translation of “evaluate”. However, if the premise is describing about programing languages, it can be considered as an error in translation. It’s hard to avoid that the word “hyo-ka” gives the impression of “whether it is good or bad”.

“Evaluate” in the context of programing languages has nothing to do with “good or bad”, and its meaning is more close to “speculating” or “executing”. The origin of “evaluate” is a Latin word “ex+value+ate”. If I translate it directly, it is “turn it into a value”. This may be the simplest way to understand: to determine the value from an expression expressed in text.

Very frankly speaking, the bottom line is that evaluating is executing a written expression and getting the result of it. Then why is it not called just “execute”? It’s because evaluating is not only executing.

For example, in an ordinary programming language, when we write “3”, it will be dealt with as an integer 3. This situation is sometimes described as “the result of evaluating "3" is 3”. It’s hard to say an expression of a constant is executed, but it is certainly an evaluation. It’s all right if there exist a programming language in which the letter “3”, when it is evaluated, will be dealt with (evaluated) as an integer 6.

I’ll introduce another example. When an expression consists of multiple constants, sometimes the constants are calculated during the compiling process (constant folding). We usually don’t call it “executing” because executing indicates the process that the created binary is working. However, no matter when it is calculated you’ll get the same result from the same program.

In other words, “evaluating” is usually equals to “executing”, but essentially “evaluating” is different from “executing”. For now, only this point is what I’d like you to remember.

h3. The characteristics of @ruby’s@ evaluator.

The biggest characteristic of ruby’s evaluator is that, as this is also of the whole ruby’s interpretor, the difference in expressions between the C-level code (extension libraries) and the Ruby-level code is small. In ordinary programming languages, the amount of the features of its interpretor we can use from extension libraries is usually very limited, but there are awfully few limits in @ruby@. Defining classes, defining methods and calling a method without limitation, these can be taken for granted. We can also use exception handling, iterators. Furthermore, threads.

But we have to compensate for the conveniences somewhere. Some codes are weirdly hard to implement, some codes have a lot overhead, and there are a lot of places implementing the almost same thing twice both for C and Ruby.

Additionally, @ruby@ is a dynamic language, it means that you can construct and evaluate a string at runtime. That is @eval@ which is a function-like method. As you expected, it is named after “evaluate”. By using it, you can even do something like this:

lvar = 1
answer = eval("lvar + lvar")    # the answer is 2

There are also @Module#module_eval@ and @Object#instance_eval@, each method behaves slightly differently. I’ll describe about them in detail in Chapter 17: Dynamic evaluation.

h3. @eval.c@

The evaluator is implemented in @eval.c@. However, this @eval.c@ is a really huge file: it has 9000 lines, its size is 200K bytes, and the number of the functions in it is 309. It is hard to fight against. When the size becomes this amount, it’s impossible to figure out its structure by just looking over it.

So how can we do? First, the bigger the file, the less possibility of its content not separated at all. In other words, the inside of it must be modularized into small portions. Then, how can we find the modules? I’ll list up some ways.

The first way is to print the list of the defined functions and look at the prefixes of them. @rb_dvar@, @rb_mod@, @rb_thread@ – there are plenty of functions with these prefixes. Each prefix clearly indicate a group of the same type of functions.

Alternatively, as we can tell when looking at the code of the class libraries, @Init_xxxx()@ is always put at the end of a block in @ruby@. Therefore, @Init_xxxx()@ also indicates a break between modules.

Additionally, the names are obviously important, too. Since @eval()@ and @rb_eval()@ and @eval_node()@ appear close to each other, we naturally think there should be a deep relationship among them.

Finally, in the source code of @ruby@, the definitions of types or variables and the declarations of prototypes often indicate a break between modules.

Being aware of these points when looking, it seems that @eval.c@ can be mainly divided into these modules listed below:

Safe Level already explained in Chapter 7: Security
Method Entry Manipulations finding or deleting syntax trees which are actual method bodies
Evaluator Core the heart of the evaluator that @rb_eval()@ is at its center.
Exception generations of exceptions and creations of backtraces
Method the implementation of method call
Iterator the implementation of functions that are related to blocks
Load loading and evaluating external files
@Proc@ the implementation of @Proc@
Thread the implementation of Ruby threads

Among them, “Load” and “Thread” are the parts that essentially should not be in @eval.c@. They are in @eval.c@ merely because of the restrictions of C language. To put it more precisely, they need the macros such as @PUSH_TAG@ defined in @eval.c@. So, I decided to exclude the two topics from Part 3 and deal with them at Part 4. And, it’s probably all right if I don’t explain the safe level here because I’ve already done in Part 1.

Excluding the above three, the six items are left to be described. The below table shows the corresponding chapter of each of them:

Method Entry Manipulations the next chapter: Context
Evaluator Core the entire part of Part 3
Exception this chapter
Method Chapter 15: Methods
Iterator Chapter 16: Blocks
Proc Chapter 16: Blocks

h3. From @main@ by way of @ruby_run@ to @rb_eval@

h3. Call Graph

The true core of the evaluator is a function called @rb_eval()@. In this chapter, we will follow the path from @main()@ to that @rb_eval()@. First of all, here is a rough call graph around @rb_eval@ :

main                     ....main.c
    ruby_init                ....eval.c
        ruby_prog_init           ....ruby.c
    ruby_options             ....eval.c
        ruby_process_options     ....ruby.c
    ruby_run                 ....eval.c

I put the file names on the right side when moving to another file. Gazing this carefully, the first thing we’ll notice is that the functions of @eval.c@ call the functions of @ruby.c@ back.

I wrote it as “calling back” because @main.c@ and @ruby.c@ are relatively for the implementation of @ruby@ command. @eval.c@ is the implementation of the evaluator itself which keeps a little distance from @ruby@ command. In other words, @eval.c@ is supposed to be used by @ruby.c@ and calling the functions of @ruby.c@ from @eval.c@ makes @eval.c@ less independent.

Then, why is this in this way? It’s mainly because of the restrictions of C language. Because the functions such as @ruby_prog_init()@ and @ruby_process_options()@ start to use the API of the ruby world, it’s possible an exception occurs. However, in order to stop an exception of Ruby, it’s necessary to use the macro named @PUSH_TAG()@ which can only be used in @eval.c@. In other words, essentially, @ruby_init()@ and @ruby_run()@ should have been defined in @ruby.c@.

Then, why isn’t @PUSH_TAG@ an @extern@ function or something which is available to other files? Actually, @PUSH_TAG@ can only be used as a pair with @POP_TAG@ as follows:

/* do lots of things */

Because of its implementation, the two macros should be put into the same function. It’s possible to implement in a way to be able to divide them into different functions, but not in such way because it’s slower.

The next thing we notice is, the fact that it sequentially calls the functions named @ruby_xxxx@ from @main()@ seems very meaningful. Since they are really obviously symmetric, it’s odd if there’s not any relationship.

Actually, these three functions have deep relationships. Simply speaking, all of these three are “built-in Ruby interfaces”. That is, they are used only when creating a command with built-in @ruby@ interpretor and not when writing extension libraries. Since @ruby@ command itself can be considered as one of programs with built-in Ruby in theory, to use these interfaces is natural.

What is the @ruby@ prefix ? So far, the all of @ruby@ ‘s functions are prefixed with @rb@. Why are there the two types: @rb@ and @ruby@? I investigated but could not understand the difference, so I asked directly. The answer was, “@ruby@ is for the auxiliary functions of @ruby@ command and @rb@ is for the official interfaces”

“Then, why are the variables like @ruby_scope@ are @ruby@?”, I asked further. It seems this is just a coincidence. The variables like @ruby_scope@ are originally named as @the_xxxx@, but in the middle of the version 1.3 there’s a change to add prefixes to all interfaces. At that time @ruby@ was added to the “may-be-internals-for-some-reasons” variables.

The bottom line is that @ruby@ is attached to things that support @ruby@ command or the internal variables and @rb@ is attached to the official interfaces of @ruby@ interpretor.

h3. @main()@

First, straightforwardly, I’ll start with @main()@. It is nice that this is very short.

▼ @main()@

  36  int
  37  main(argc, argv, envp)
  38      int argc;
  39      char **argv, **envp;
  40  {
  41  #if defined(NT)
  42      NtInitialize(&argc, &argv);
  43  #endif
  44  #if defined(__MACOS__) && defined(__MWERKS__)
  45      argc = ccommand(&argv);
  46  #endif
  48      ruby_init();
  49      ruby_options(argc, argv);
  50      ruby_run();
  51      return 0;
  52  }


@#if def NT@ is obviously the NT of Windows NT. But somehow NT is also defined in Win9x. So, it means Win32 environment. @NtInitialize()@ initializes @argc argv@ and the socket system (WinSock) for Win32. Because this function is only doing the initialization, it’s not interesting and not related to the main topic. Thus, I omit this.

And, @MACOS@ is not “Ma-Ko-Su” but Mac OS. In this case, it means Mac OS 9 and before, and it does not include Mac OS X. Even though such @#ifdef@ remains, as I wrote at the beginning of this book, the current version can not run on Mac OS 9 and before. It’s just a legacy from when ruby was able to run on it. Therefore, I also omit this code.

By the way, as it is probably known by the readers who are familiar with C language, the identifiers starting with an under bar are reserved for the system libraries or OS. However, although they are called “reserved”, using it is almost never result in an error, but if using a little weird @cc@ it could result in an error. For example, it is the @cc@ of HP-US. HP-US is an UNIX which @HP@ is creating. If there’s any opinion such as HP-UX is not weird, I would deny it out loud.

Anyway, conventionally, we don’t define such identifiers in user applications.

Now, I’ll start to briefly explain about the built-in Ruby interfaces.

h3. @ruby_init()@

@ruby_init()@ initializes the Ruby interpretor. Since only a single interpretor of the current Ruby can exist in a process, it does not need neither arguments or a return value. This point is generally considered as “lack of features”.

When there’s only a single interpretor, more than anything, things around the development environment should be especially troublesome. Namely, the applications such as @irb@, RubyWin, and RDE. Although loading a rewritten program, the classes which are supposed to be deleted would remain. To counter this with the reflection API is not impossible but requires a lot of efforts.

However, it seems that Mr. Matsumoto (Matz) purposefully limits the number of interpretors to one. “it’s impossible to initialize completely” seems its reason. For instance, “the loaded extension libraries could not be removed” is taken as an example.

The code of @ruby_init()@ is omitted because it’s unnecessary to read.

h3. @ruby_options()@

What to parse command-line options for the Ruby interpreter is @ruby_options()@. Of course, depending on the command, we do not have to use this.

Inside this function, @-r@ (load a library) and @-e@ (pass a program from command-line) are processed. This is also where the file passed as a command-line argument is parsed as a Ruby program.

@ruby@ command reads the main program from a file if it was given, otherwise from @stdin@. After that, using @rb_compile_string()@ or @rb_compile_file()@ introduced at Part 2, it compiles the text into a syntax tree. The result will be set into the global variable @ruby_eval_tree@.

I also omit the code of @ruby_options()@ because it’s just doing necessary things one by one and not interesting.

h3. @ruby_run()@

Finally, @ruby_run()@ starts to evaluate the syntax tree which was set to @ruby_eval_tree@. We also don’t always need to call this function. Other than @ruby_run()@, for instance, we can evaluate a string by using a function named @rb_eval_string()@.

▼ @ruby_run()@

1257  void
1258  ruby_run()
1259  {
1260      int state;
1261      static int ex;
1262      volatile NODE *tmp;
1264      if (ruby_nerrs > 0) exit(ruby_nerrs);
1266      Init_stack((void*)&tmp);
1267      PUSH_TAG(PROT_NONE);
1268      PUSH_ITER(ITER_NOT);
1269      if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
1270          eval_node(ruby_top_self, ruby_eval_tree);
1271      }
1272      POP_ITER();
1273      POP_TAG();
1275      if (state && !ex) ex = state;
1276      ruby_stop(ex);
1277  }


We can see the macros @PUSH_xxxx()@, but we can ignore them for now. I’ll explain about around them later when the time comes. The important thing here is only @eval_node()@. Its content is:

▼ @eval_node()@

1112  static VALUE
1113  eval_node(self, node)
1114      VALUE self;
1115      NODE *node;
1116  {
1117      NODE *beg_tree = ruby_eval_tree_begin;
1119      ruby_eval_tree_begin = 0;
1120      if (beg_tree) {
1121          rb_eval(self, beg_tree);
1122      }
1124      if (!node) return Qnil;
1125      return rb_eval(self, node);
1126  }


This calls @rb_eval()@ on @ruby_eval_tree@. The @ruby_eval_tree_begin@ is storing the statements registered by @BEGIN@. But, this is also not important.

And, @ruby_stop()@ inside of @ruby_run()@ terminates all threads and finalizes all objects and checks exceptions and, in the end, calls @exit()@. This is also not important, so we won’t see this.

h2. @rb_eval()@

h3. Outline

Now, @rb_eval()@. This function is exactly the real core of @ruby@. One @rb_eval()@ call processes a single @NODE@, and the whole syntax tree will be processed by calling recursively. (Fig.1)

Fig.1: @rb_eval@

@rb_eval@ is, as the same as @yylex()@, made of a huge switch statement and branching by each type of the nodes. First, let’s look at the outline.

▼ @rb_eval()@ Outline

2221  static VALUE
2222  rb_eval(self, n)
2223      VALUE self;
2224      NODE *n;
2225  {
2226      NODE *nodesave = ruby_current_node;
2227      NODE * volatile node = n;
2228      int state;
2229      volatile VALUE result = Qnil;
2231  #define RETURN(v) do { \
2232      result = (v);      \
2233      goto finish;       \
2234  } while (0)
2236    again:
2237      if (!node) RETURN(Qnil);
2239      ruby_last_node = ruby_current_node = node;
2240      switch (nd_type(node)) {
            case NODE_BLOCK:
            case NODE_POSTEXE:
            case NODE_BEGIN:
              (plenty of case statements)
3415        default:
3416          rb_bug("unknown node type %d", nd_type(node));
3417      }
3418    finish:
3419      CHECK_INTS;
3420      ruby_current_node = nodesave;
3421      return result;
3422  }


In the omitted part, plenty of the codes to process all nodes are listed. By branching like this, it processes each node. When the code is only a few, it will be processed in @rb_eval()@. But when it becoming many, it will be a separated function. Most of functions in @eval.c@ are created in this way.

When returning a value from @rb_eval()@, it uses the macro @RETURN()@ instead of @return@, in order to always pass through @CHECK_INTS@. Since this macro is related to threads, you can ignore this until the chapter about it.

And finally, the local variables @result@ and @node@ are @volatile@ for GC.

h3. @NODE_IF@

Now, taking the @if@ statement as an example, let’s look at the process of the @rb_eval()@ evaluation concretely. From here, in the description of @rb_eval()@,

these three will be listed at the beginning.

▼source program

if true
  'true expr'
  'false expr'

▼ its corresponding syntax tree ( @nodedump@ )

nd_file = "if"
nd_nth  = 1
        nd_file = "if"
        nd_nth  = 2
            nd_lit = "true expr":String
        nd_file = "if"
        nd_nth  = 4
            nd_lit = "false expr":String

As we’ve seen in Part 2, @elsif@ and @unless@ can be, by contriving the ways to assemble, bundled to a single @NODE_IF@ type, so we don’t have to treat them specially.

▼ @rb_eval()@ − @NODE_IF@

2324  case NODE_IF:
2325    if (trace_func) {
2326        call_trace_func("line", node, self,
2327                        ruby_frame->last_func,
2328                        ruby_frame->last_class);
2329    }
2330    if (RTEST(rb_eval(self, node->nd_cond))) {
2331        node = node->nd_body;
2332    }
2333    else {
2334        node = node->nd_else;
2335    }
2336    goto again;


Only the last @if@ statement is important. If rewriting it without any change in its meaning, it becomes this:

if (RTEST(rb_eval(self, node->nd_cond))) {     (A)
    RETURN(rb_eval(self, node->nd_body));      (B)
else {
    RETURN(rb_eval(self, node->nd_else));      (C)

First, at (A), evaluating (the node of) the Ruby’s condition statement and testing its value with @RTEST()@. I’ve mentioned that @RTEST()@ is a macro to test whether or not a @VALUE@ is true of Ruby. If that was true, evaluating the @then@ side clause at (B). If false, evaluating the @else@ side clause at ==(C)==.

In addition, I’ve mentioned that @if@ statement of Ruby also has its own value, so it’s necessary to return a value. Since the value of an @if@ is the value of either the @then@ side or the @else@ side which is the one executed, returning it by using the macro @RETURN()@.

In the original list, it does not call @rb_eval()@ recursively but just does @goto@. This is the “conversion from tail recursion to @goto@ “ which has also appeared in the previous chapter “Syntax tree construction”.


Since there was @NODE_NEWLINE@ at the node for a @if@ statement, let’s look at the code for it.

▼ @rb_eval()@ - @NODE_NEWLINE@

3404  case NODE_NEWLINE:
3405    ruby_sourcefile = node->nd_file;
3406    ruby_sourceline = node->nd_nth;
3407    if (trace_func) {
3408        call_trace_func("line", node, self,
3409                        ruby_frame->last_func,
3410                        ruby_frame->last_class);
3411    }
3412    node = node->nd_next;
3413    goto again;


There’s nothing particularly difficult.

@call_trace_func()@ has already appeared at @NODE_IF@. Here is a simple explanation of what kind of thing it is. This is a feature to trace a Ruby program from Ruby level. The debugger ( @debug.rb@ ) and the tracer ( @tracer.rb@ ) and the profiler ( @profile.rb@ ) and @irb@ (interactive @ruby@ command) and more are using this feature.

By using the function-like method @set_trace_func@ you can register a @Proc@ object to trace, and that @Proc@ object is stored into @trace_func@. If @trace_func@ is not 0, it means not @QFalse@, it will be considered as a @Proc@ object and executed (at @call_trace_func()@ ).

This @call_trace_func()@ has nothing to do with the main topic and not so interesting as well. Therefore in this book, from now on, I’ll completely ignore it. If you are interested in it, I’d like you to challenge after finishing the Chapter 16: Blocks.

h3. Pseudo-local Variables

@NODE_IF@ and such are interior nodes in a syntax tree. Let’s look at the leaves, too.

▼ @rb_eval()@ Ppseudo-Local Variable Nodes

2312  case NODE_SELF:
2313    RETURN(self);
2315  case NODE_NIL:
2316    RETURN(Qnil);
2318  case NODE_TRUE:
2319    RETURN(Qtrue);
2321  case NODE_FALSE:
2322    RETURN(Qfalse);


We’ve seen @self@ as the argument of @rb_eval()@. I’d like you to make sure it by going back a little. The others are probably not needed to be explained.

h3. Jump Tag

Next, I’d like to explain @NODE_WHILE@ which is corresponding to @while@, but to implement @break@ or @next@ only with recursive calls of a function is difficult. Since @ruby@ enables these syntaxes by using what named “jump tag”, I’ll start with describing it first.

Simply put, “jump tag” is a wrapper of @setjmp()@ and @longjump()@ which are library functions of C language. Do you know about @setjmp()@? This function has already appeared at @gc.c@, but it is used in very abnormal way there. @setjmp()@ is usually used to jump over functions. I’ll explain by taking the below code as an example. The entry point is @parent()@.

▼ @setjmp()@ and @longjmp()@

jmp_buf buf;

void child2(void) {
    longjmp(buf, 34);   /* go back straight to parent
                           the return value of setjmp becomes 34 */
    puts("This message will never be printed.");

void child1(void) {
    puts("This message will never be printed.");

void parent(void) {
    int result;
    if ((result = setjmp(buf)) == 0) {
        /* normally returned from setjmp */
    } else {
        /* returned from child2 via longjmp */
        printf("%d\n", result);   /* shows 34 */

First, when @setjmp()@ is called at @parent()@, the executing state at the time is saved to the argument @buf@. To put it a little more directly, the address of the top of the machine stack and the CPU registers are saved. If the return value of @setjmp()@ was 0, it means it normally returned from @setjmp()@, thus you can write the subsequent code as usual. This is the @if@ side. Here, it calls @child1()@.

Next, the control moves to @child2()@ and calls @longjump@, then it can go back straight to the place where the argument @buf@ was @setjmp@ ed. So in this case, it goes back to the @setjmp@ at @parent()@. When coming back via @longjmp@, the return value of @setjmp@ becomes the value of the second argument of @longjmp@, so the @else@ side is executed. And, even if we pass 0 to @longjmp@, it will be forced to be another value. Thus it’s fruitless.

Fig.2 shows the state of the machine stack. The ordinary functions return only once for each call. However, it’s possible @setjmp()@ returns twice. Is it helpful to grasp the concept if I say that it is something like @fork()@?

Fig.2: @setjmp()@ @longjmp()@ Image

Now, we’ve learned about @setjmp()@ as a preparation. In @eval.c@, @EXEC_TAG@ corresponds to @setjmp()@ and @JUMP_TAG()@ corresponds to @longjmp()@ respectively. (Fig.3)

Fig.3: "tag jump" image

Take a look at this image, it seems that @EXEC_TAG()@ does not have any arguments. Where has @jmp_buf@ gone? Actually, in @ruby@, @jmp_buf@ is wrapped by the struct @struct tag@. Let’s look at it.

▼ @struct tag@

 783  struct tag {
 784      jmp_buf buf;
 785      struct FRAME *frame;   /* FRAME when PUSH_TAG */
 786      struct iter *iter;     /* ITER  when PUSH_TAG */
 787      ID tag;                /* tag type */
 788      VALUE retval;          /* the return value of this jump */
 789      struct SCOPE *scope;   /* SCOPE when PUSH_TAG */
 790      int dst;               /* the destination ID */
 791      struct tag *prev;
 792  };


Because there’s the member @prev@, we can infer that @struct tag@ is probably a stack structure using a linked list. Moreover, by looking around it, we can find the macros @PUSH_TAG()@ and @POP_TAG@, thus it definitely seems a stack.


 793  static struct tag *prot_tag;   /* the pointer to the head of the machine stack */

 795  #define PUSH_TAG(ptag) do {             \
 796      struct tag _tag;                    \
 797      _tag.retval = Qnil;                 \
 798      _tag.frame = ruby_frame;            \
 799      _tag.iter = ruby_iter;              \
 800      _tag.prev = prot_tag;               \
 801      _tag.scope = ruby_scope;            \
 802      _tag.tag = ptag;                    \
 803      _tag.dst = 0;                       \
 804      prot_tag = &_tag

 818  #define POP_TAG()                       \
 819      if (_tag.prev)                      \
 820          _tag.prev->retval = _tag.retval;\
 821      prot_tag = _tag.prev;               \
 822  } while (0)


I’d like you to be flabbergasted here because the actual tag is fully allocated at the machine stack as a local variable. (Fig.4). Moreover, @do@ ~ @while@ is divided between the two macros. This might be one of the most awful usages of the C preprocessor. Here is the macros @PUSH@ / @POP@ coupled and extracted to make it easy to read.

do {
    struct tag _tag;
    _tag.prev = prot_tag;   /* save the previous tag */
    prot_tag = &_tag;       /* push a new tag on the stack */
    /* do several things */
    prot_tag = _tag.prev;   /* restore the previous tag */
} while (0);

This method does not have any overhead of function calls, and its cost of the memory allocation is next to nothing. This technique is only possible because the @ruby@ evaluator is made of recursive calls of @rb_eval()@.

Fig.4: the tag stack is embedded in the machine stack

Because of this implementation, it’s necessary that @PUSH_TAG@ and @POP_TAG@ are in the same one function as a pair. Plus, since it’s not supposed to be carelessly used at the outside of the evaluator, we can’t make them available to other files.

Additionally, let’s also take a look at @EXEC_TAG()@ and @JUMP_TAG()@.


 810  #define EXEC_TAG()    setjmp(prot_tag->buf)

 812  #define JUMP_TAG(st) do {               \
 813      ruby_frame = prot_tag->frame;       \
 814      ruby_iter = prot_tag->iter;         \
 815      longjmp(prot_tag->buf,(st));        \
 816  } while (0)


In this way, @setjmp@ and @longjmp@ are wrapped by @EXEC_TAG()@ and @JUMP_TAG()@ respectively. The name @EXEC_TAG()@ can look like a wrapper of @longjmp()@ at first sight, but this one is to execute @setjmp()@.

Based on all of the above, I’ll explain the mechanism of @while@. First, when starting @while@ it does @EXEC_TAG()@ ( @setjmp@ ). After that, it executes the main body by calling @rb_eval()@ recursively. If there’s @break@ or @next@, it does @JUMP_TAG()@ ( @longjmp@ ). Then, it can go back to the start point of the @while@ loop. (Fig.5)

Fig.5: the implementation of @while@ by using "tag jump"

Though @break@ was taken as an example here, what cannot be implemented without jumping is not only @break@. Even if we limit the case to @while@, there are @next@ and @redo@. Additionally, @return@ from a method and exceptions also should have to climb over the wall of @rb_eval()@. And since it’s cumbersome to use a different tag stack for each case, we want for only one stack to handle all cases in one way or another.

What we need to make it possible is just attaching information about “what the purpose of this jump is”. Conveniently, the return value of @setjmp()@ could be specified as the argument of @longjmp()@, thus we can use this. The types are expressed by the following flags:

▼tag type

 828  #define TAG_RETURN      0x1    /* return */
 829  #define TAG_BREAK       0x2    /* break */
 830  #define TAG_NEXT        0x3    /* next */
 831  #define TAG_RETRY       0x4    /* retry */
 832  #define TAG_REDO        0x5    /* redo */
 833  #define TAG_RAISE       0x6    /* general exceptions */
 834  #define TAG_THROW       0x7    /* throw(won't be explained in this boook)*/
 835  #define TAG_FATAL       0x8    /* fatal : exceptions which are not catchable */
 836  #define TAG_MASK        0xf


The meanings are written as each comment. The last @TAG_MASK@ is the bitmask to take out these flags from a return value of @setjmp()@. This is because the return value of @setjmp()@ can also include information which is not about a “type of jump”.


Now, by examining the code of @NODE_WHILE@, let’s check the actual usage of tags.

▼ The Source Program

while true

▼ Its corresponding syntax tree( @nodedump-short@ )

nd_state = 1 (while)
    nd_lit = "true_expr":String

▼ @rb_eval@ - @NODE_WHILE@

2418  case NODE_WHILE:
2420    result = Qnil;
2421    switch (state = EXEC_TAG()) {
2422      case 0:
2423        if (node->nd_state && !RTEST(rb_eval(self, node->nd_cond)))
2424            goto while_out;
2425        do {
2426          while_redo:
2427            rb_eval(self, node->nd_body);
2428          while_next:
2429            ;
2430        } while (RTEST(rb_eval(self, node->nd_cond)));
2431        break;
2433      case TAG_REDO:
2434        state = 0;
2435        goto while_redo;
2436      case TAG_NEXT:
2437        state = 0;
2438        goto while_next;
2439      case TAG_BREAK:
2440        state = 0;
2441        result = prot_tag->retval;
2442      default:
2443        break;
2444    }
2445  while_out:
2446    POP_TAG();
2447    if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);
2448    RETURN(result);


The idiom which will appear over and over again appeared in the above code.

switch (state = EXEC_TAG()) {
  case 0:
    /* process normally */
  case TAG_a:
    state = 0;    /* clear state because the jump waited for comes */
    /* do the process of when jumped with TAG_a */
  case TAG_b:
    state = 0;    /* clear state because the jump waited for comes */
    /* do the process of when jumped with TAG_b */
    break;        /* this jump is not waited for, then ... */
if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);   /* .. jump again here */

First, as @PUSH_TAG()@ and @POP_TAG()@ are the previously described mechanism, it’s necessary to be used always as a pair. Also, they need to be written outside of @EXEC_TAG()@. And, apply @EXEC_TAG()@ to the just pushed @jmp_buf@. This means doing @setjmp()@. If the return value is 0, since it means immediately returning from @setjmp()@, it does the normal processing (this usually contains @rb_eval()@ ). If the return value of @EXEC_TAG()@ is not 0, since it means returning via @longjmp()@, it filters only the own necessary jumps by using @case@ and lets the rest ( @default@ ) pass.

It might be helpful to see also the code of the jumping side. The below code is the handler of the node of @redo@.

▼ @rb_eval()@ - @NODE_REDO@

2560  case NODE_REDO:
2561    CHECK_INTS;
2563    break;


As a result of jumping via @JUMP_TAG()@, it goes back to the last @EXEC_TAG()@. The return value at the time is the argument @TAG_REDO@. Being aware of this, I’d like you to look at the code of @NODE_WHILE@ and check what route is taken.

The idiom has enough explained, now I’ll explain about the code of @NODE_WHILE@ a little more in detail. As mentioned, since the inside of @case 0:@ is the main process, I extracted only that part. Additionally, I moved some labels to enhance readability.

  if (node->nd_state && !RTEST(rb_eval(self, node->nd_cond)))
      goto while_out;
  do {
      rb_eval(self, node->nd_body);
  } while (RTEST(rb_eval(self, node->nd_cond)));

There are the two places calling @rb_eval()@ on @node->nd_state@ which corresponds to the conditional statement. It seems that only the first test of the condition is separated. This is to deal with both @do@ ~ @while@ and @while@ at once. When @node->nd_state@ is 0 it is a @do@ ~ @while@, when 1 it is an ordinary @while@. The rest might be understood by following step-by-step, I won’t particularly explain.

By the way, I feel like it easily becomes an infinite loop if there is @next@ or @redo@ in the condition statement. Since it is of course exactly what the code means, it’s the fault of who wrote it, but I’m a little curious about it. So, I’ve actually tried it.

% ruby -e 'while next do nil end'
-e:1: void value expression

It’s simply rejected at the time of parsing. It’s safe but not an interesting result. What produces this error is @value_expr()@ of @parse.y@.

h3. The value of an evaluation of @while@

@while@ had not had its value for a long time, but it has been able to return a value by using @break@ since @ruby@ 1.7. This time, let’s focus on the flow of the value of an evaluation. Keeping in mind that the value of the local variable @result@ becomes the return value of @rb_eval()@, I’d like you to look at the following code:

        result = Qnil;
        switch (state = EXEC_TAG()) {
          case 0:
            /* the main process */
          case TAG_REDO:
          case TAG_NEXT:
            /* each jump */

          case TAG_BREAK:
            state = 0;
            result = prot_tag->retval;     (A)

What we should focus on is only (A). The return value of the jump seems to be passed via @prot_tag->retval@ which is a @struct tag@. Here is the passing side:

▼ @rb_eval()@ - @NODE_BREAK@

2219  #define return_value(v) prot_tag->retval = (v)

2539  case NODE_BREAK:
2540    if (node->nd_stts) {
2541        return_value(avalue_to_svalue(rb_eval(self, node->nd_stts)));
2542    }
2543    else {
2544        return_value(Qnil);
2545    }
2547    break;


In this way, by using the macro @return_value()@, it assigns the value to the struct of the top of the tag stack.

The basic flow is this, but in practice there could be another @EXEC_TAG@ between @EXEC_TAG()@ of @NODE_WHILE@ and @JUMP_TAG()@ of @NODE_BREAK@. For example, @rescue@ of an exception handling can exist between them.

while cond       # EXEC_TAG() for NODE_WHILE
  begin          # EXEC_TAG() again for rescue
    break 1

Therefore, it’s hard to determine whether or not the @strict tag@ of when doing @JUMP_TAG()@ at @NODE_BREAK@ is the one which was pushed at @NODE_WHILE@. In this case, because @retval@ is propagated in @POP_TAG()@ as shown below, the return value can be passed to the next tag without particular thought.

▼ @POP_TAG()@

 818  #define POP_TAG()                       \
 819      if (_tag.prev)                      \
 820          _tag.prev->retval = _tag.retval;\
 821      prot_tag = _tag.prev;               \
 822  } while (0)


This can probably be depicted as Fig.6.

Fig.6: Transferring the return value

h2. Exception

As the second example of the usage of “tag jump”, we’ll look at how exceptions are dealt with.

h3. @raise@

When I explained @while@, we looked at the @setjmp()@ side first. This time, we’ll look at the @longjmp()@ side first for a change. It’s @rb_exc_raise()@ which is the substance of @raise@.

▼ @rb_exc_raise()@

3645  void
3646  rb_exc_raise(mesg)
3647      VALUE mesg;
3648  {
3649      rb_longjmp(TAG_RAISE, mesg);
3650  }


@mesg@ is an exception object (an instance of @Exception@ or one of its subclass). Notice that It seems to jump with @TAG_RAISE@ this time. And the below code is very simplified @rb_longjmp()@.

▼ @rb_longjmp()@ (simplified)

static void
rb_longjmp(tag, mesg)
    int tag;
    VALUE mesg;
    if (NIL_P(mesg))
        mesg = ruby_errinfo;
    set_backtrace(mesg, get_backtrace(mesg));
    ruby_errinfo = mesg;

Well, though this can be considered as a matter of course, this is just to jump as usual by using @JUMP_TAG()@.

What is @ruby_errinfo@? By doing @grep@ a few times, I figured out that this variable is the substance of the global variable @$!@ of Ruby. Since this variable indicates the exception which is currently occurring, naturally its substance @ruby_errinfo@ should have the same meaning as well.

h3. The Big Picture

▼the source program

  raise('exception raised')
  'rescue clause'
  'ensure clause'

▼the syntax tree( @nodedump-short@ )

            nd_mid = 3857 (raise)
                NODE_ARRAY [
                    nd_lit = "exception raised":String
            nd_args = (null)
                nd_lit = "rescue clause":String
            nd_head = (null)
        nd_else = (null)
        nd_lit = "ensure clause":String

As the right order of @rescue@ and @ensure@ is decided at parser level, the right order is strictly decided at syntax tree as well. @NODE_ENSURE@ is always at the “top”, @NODE_RESCUE@ comes next, the main body (where @raise@ exist) is the last. Since @NODE_BEGIN@ is a node to do nothing, you can consider @NODE_ENSURE@ is virtually on the top.

This means, since @NODE_ENSURE@ and @NODE_RESCUE@ are above the main body which we want to protect, we can stop @raise@ by merely doing @EXEC_TAG()@. Or rather, the two nodes are put above in syntax tree for this purpose, is probably more accurate to say.

h3. @ensure@

We are going to look at the handler of @NODE_ENSURE@ which is the node of @ensure@.

▼ @rb_eval()@ - @NODE_ENSURE@

2634  case NODE_ENSURE:
2636    if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
2637        result = rb_eval(self, node->nd_head);   (A-1)
2638    }
2639    POP_TAG();
2640    if (node->nd_ensr) {
2641        VALUE retval = prot_tag->retval;   (B-1)
2642        VALUE errinfo = ruby_errinfo;
2644        rb_eval(self, node->nd_ensr);            (A-2)
2645        return_value(retval);              (B-2)
2646        ruby_errinfo = errinfo;
2647    }
2648    if (state) JUMP_TAG(state);            (B-3)
2649    break;


This branch using @if@ is another idiom to deal with tag. It interrupts a jump by doing @EXEC_TAG()@ then evaluates the @ensure@ clause ( ( @node->nd_ensr@ ). As for the flow of the process, it’s probably straightforward.

Again, we’ll try to think about the value of an evaluation. To check the specification first,


for the above statement, the value of the whole @begin@ will be the value of @expr0@ regardless of whether or not @ensure@ exists. This behavior is reflected to the code (A-1,2), so the value of the evaluation of an @ensure@ clause is completely discarded.

At (B-1,3), it deals with the evaluated value of when a jump occurred at the main body. I mentioned that the value of this case is stored in @prot_tag->retval@, so it saves the value to a local variable to prevent from being carelessly overwritten during the execution of the @ensure@ clause (B-1). After the evaluation of the @ensure@ clause, it restores the value by using @return_value()@ (B-2). When any jump has not occurred, @state==0@ in this case, @prot_tag->retval@ is not used in the first place.

h3. @rescue@

It’s been a little while, I’ll show the syntax tree of @rescue@ again just in case.

▼Source Program

rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
  'error raised'

▼ Its Syntax Tree ( @nodedump-short@ )

        nd_mid = 3857 (raise)
        nd_args = (null)
            NODE_ARRAY [
                nd_vid  = 4733 (ArgumentError)
                nd_vid  = 4725 (TypeError)
            nd_lit = "error raised":String
        nd_head = (null)
    nd_else = (null)

I’d like you to make sure that (the syntax tree of) the statement to be @rescue@ ed is “under” @NODE_RESCUE@.

▼ @rb_eval()@ - @NODE_RESCUE@

2590  case NODE_RESCUE:
2591  retry_entry:
2592    {
2593        volatile VALUE e_info = ruby_errinfo;
2595        PUSH_TAG(PROT_NONE);
2596        if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
2597            result = rb_eval(self, node->nd_head); /* evaluate the body */
2598        }
2599        POP_TAG();
2600        if (state == TAG_RAISE) { /* an exception occurred at the body */
2601            NODE * volatile resq = node->nd_resq;
2603            while (resq) { /* deal with the rescue clause one by one */
2604                ruby_current_node = resq;
2605                if (handle_rescue(self, resq)) { /* If dealt with by this clause */
2606                    state = 0;
2607                    PUSH_TAG(PROT_NONE);
2608                    if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) {
2609                        result = rb_eval(self, resq->nd_body);
2610                    }                            /* evaluate the rescue clause */
2611                    POP_TAG();
2612                    if (state == TAG_RETRY) { /* Since retry occurred, */
2613                        state = 0;
2614                        ruby_errinfo = Qnil;  /* the exception is stopped */
2615                        goto retry_entry;     /* convert to goto */
2616                    }
2617                    if (state != TAG_RAISE) {  /* Also by rescue and such */
2618                        ruby_errinfo = e_info; /* the exception is stopped  */
2619                    }
2620                    break;
2621                }
2622                resq = resq->nd_head; /* move on to the next rescue clause */
2623            }
2624        }
2625        else if (node->nd_else) { /* when there is an else clause, */
2626            if (!state) { /* evaluate it only when any exception has not occurred. */
2627                result = rb_eval(self, node->nd_else);
2628            }
2629        }
2630        if (state) JUMP_TAG(state); /* the jump was not waited for */
2631    }
2632    break;


Even though the size is not small, it’s not difficult because it only simply deal with the nodes one by one. This is the first time @handle_rescue()@ appeared, but for some reasons we cannot look at this function now. I’ll explain only its effects here. Its prototype is this,

static int handle_rescue(VALUE self, NODE *resq)

and it determines whether the currently occurring exception (@ruby_errinfo@) is a subclass of the class that is expressed by @resq@ (@TypeError@, for instance). The reason why passing @self@ is that it’s necessary to call @rb_eval()@ inside this function in order to evaluate @resq@.