04 September 2014


cluetip中接受的html中不能执行外部的javascript函数,就不能满足需求. 看到powertip这个插件,一些介绍如下:


  • Checks for hover intent

    Testing for hover intent makes it so that tooltips don’t open the moment your mouse happens to cross an element with a tooltip. Users have to hover over the element for a moment before the tooltip will open. This provides a much smoother user experience.

  • Tooltip queuing

    The tooltip queue makes it a fundamental rule of the system that there will only ever be one tooltip visible on the screen. When the user moves their cursor to another element with a tooltip, the last tooltip will close gracefully before the next tooltip opens.


  • Straightforward implementation
  • Simple configuration
  • Supports static tooltips as well as tooltips that follow the mouse
  • Ability to let users mouse on to the tooltips and interact with their content
  • Mouse follow tooltips are constrained to the browser viewport
  • Easy customization
  • Works with keyboard navigation
  • Smooth fade-ins and fade-outs
  • Smart placement that (when enabled) will try to keep tooltips inside of the view port
  • Multiple instances
  • Works on any type of element
  • Supports complex content (markup with behavior & events)
  • Actively maintained

设计目标Design Goals

  • Tooltips应当类似在桌面程序(that behave like they would in desktop applications)

    Tooltips should not flicker or be difficult to interact with. Only one tooltip should be visible on the screen at a time. When the cursor moves to another item with a tooltip then the last tooltip should close gracefully before the new one opens.

  • Fade-in and fade-out

    The tooltips will have smooth fade-in and out cycles instead of abruptly appearing a disappearing. The fade effects will not conflict with any other effects in the document.

  • Check for hover intent

    Tooltips should not suddenly appear as soon as your mouse happens to cross the object. They should only open when the cursor hovers over an element for a moment indicating that the user is actively focused on that element.

  • Support multiple instances

    Have various kinds of tooltips in one document, each with their own settings and content, even with different tooltip divs and styling. All while still preserving the one-tooltip rule and behaving like one instance.

  • Totally portable

    The plugin does not require any other plugins or extensions to function. There will be no dependencies other than the core jQuery library. The plugin does not require any images, all layout will be entirely CSS based.

  • Easy to use

    Despite all of the complexity involved (timers, animations, multiple instances) the plugin will be dead simple to use, requiring little to no configuration to get running.

  • Easy to customize

    Tooltip layout and functionality should be simple to modify for your own personal touch. Layout should be done entirely with CSS and the plugin will not attach any inline styles other than to control visibility and positioning.




其中, option是一个拥有很多选项的可以覆盖的对象(所有都定义在下面). Where options is an object with the various settings you want to override (all defined below).

For example, if you want to attach tootips to all elements with the “info” class, and have those tooltip appear above and to the right of those elements you would use the following code: 例如,如果想要给所有带有info的class的元素附加提示,并且让这些提示出现的所有元素的右边,可以这样使用:

	placement: 'ne' // north-east tooltip position

Setting tooltip content

Generally, if your tooltips are just plain text then you probably want to set your tooltip text with the HTML title attribute on the elements themselves. This approach is very intuitive and backwards compatible. But there are several ways to specify the content.

一般而言, 提示仅仅只是纯文本. 然而, 也可以通过HTML的title属性设置标题. 该方法直观且兼容性好, 但不是唯一的方法. 设置内容的一些方法如下:

Title attribute

The simplest method, as well as the only one that will continue to work for users who have JavaScript disabled in their browsers.


<a href="/some/link" title="This will be the tooltip text.">Some Link</a>


Basically the same as setting the title attribute, but using an HTML5 data attribute. You can set this in the markup or with JavaScript at any time. It only accepts a simple string, but that string can contain markup. This will also accept a function that returns a string.

和标题属性一样的基础, 但是使用了HTML5的数据属性. 数据属性只接受简单的字符串, 但是字符串可以包含标签, 也可接受返回为字符串的函数。

$('#element').data('powertip', 'This will be the <b>tooltip text</b>.');


$('#element').data('powertip', function() {
	return 'This will be the <b>tooltip text</b>.';


<a href="/some/link" data-powertip="This will be the &lt;b&gt;tooltip text&lt;/b&gt;.">Some Link</a>


This is a data interface that will accept a jQuery object. You can create a jQuery object containing complex markup (and even events) and attach it to the element via jQuery’s .data() method at any time. This will also accept a function that returns a jQuery object.


var tooltip = $('<div>This will be the tooltip text. It even has an onclick event!</div>');
tooltip.on('click', function() { /* ... */ });
$('#element').data('powertipjq', tooltip);


$('#element').data('powertipjq', function() {
	var tooltip = $('<div>This will be the tooltip text. It even has an onclick event!</div>');
	tooltip.on('click', function() { /* ... */ });
	return tooltip;


You can specify the ID of an element in the DOM to pull the content from. PowerTip will replicate the markup of that element in the tooltip without modifying or destroying the original.


<div id="myToolTip">
	<p><b>Some Title</b></p>
	<p>This will be the tooltip text.</p>
	<p><a href="#">This link will be in the tooltip as well.</a></p>

$('#element').data('powertiptarget', 'myToolTip');


The tooltip behavior is determined by a series of options that you can override. You can pass the options as an object directly to the plugin as an argument when you call it. For example:


	option1: 'value',
	option2: 'value',
	option3: 'value'

The settings will only apply to those tooltips matched in the selector. This means that you can have different sets of tooltips on the same page with different options. For example:


$('.tips').powerTip(/** options for regular tooltips **/);

$('.specialTips').powerTip(/** options for special tooltips **/);

You can change the default options for all tooltips by setting their values in the $.fn.powerTip.defaults object before you call powerTip(). For example:


// change the default tooltip placement to south
$.fn.powerTip.defaults.placement = 's';

$('.tips').powerTip(); // these tips will appear underneath the element

Of course those defaults will be overridden with any options you pass directly to the powerTip() call.


List of options

Name Default Type Description
followMouse false Boolean 设置提示跟随鼠标
mouseOnToPopup false Boolean 允许鼠标停在tooltip上。这允许用户和提示中的内容进行交互,仅在followMouse设置为false时起作用。
placement ‘n’ String 相对于元素的提示所在的位置。其值可以是n, e, s, w, nw, ne, sw, se, nw-alt, ne-alt, sw-alt, or se-alt(north,east,south,west). 仅当followMouse设置为false时起作用。
smartPlacement false Boolean When enabled the plugin will try to keep tips inside the browser view port. If a tooltip would extend outside of the view port then its placement will be changed to an orientation that would be entirely within the current view port. Only applies if followMouse is set to false.
popupId ‘powerTip’ String 提示div的HTML id属性,插件会默认生成相应的div
offset 10 Number 提示的像素偏移。在followMouse设置为真时,该设置有效。
fadeInTime 200 Number Tooltip fade-in time in milliseconds.
fadeOutTime 100 Number Tooltip fade-out time in milliseconds.
closeDelay 100 Number Time in milliseconds to wait after mouse cursor leaves the element before closing the tooltip. This serves two purposes: first, it is the mechanism that lets the mouse cursor reach the tooltip (cross the gap between the element and the tooltip div) for mouseOnToPopup tooltips. And, second, it lets the cursor briefly leave the element and return without causing the whole fade-out, intent test, and fade-in cycle to happen.
intentPollInterval 100 Number Hover intent polling interval in milliseconds.
intentSensitivity 7 Number Hover intent sensitivity. The tooltip will not open unless the number of pixels the mouse has moved within the intentPollInterval is less than this value. These default values mean that if the mouse cursor has moved 7 or more pixels in 100 milliseconds the tooltip will not open.
manual false Boolean 不用event自带的事件处理事,将其设置为true。然后设置自己的事件处理机制If set to true then PowerTip will not hook up its event handlers, letting you create your own event handlers to control when tooltips are shown (using the API to open and close tooltips).

Tooltip CSS

PowerTip includes some base CSS that you can just add to your site and be done with it, but you may want to change the styles or even craft your own styles to match your design. PowerTip is specifically designed to give you full control of your tooltips with CSS, with just a few basic requirements.I recommend that you either adapt one of the base stylesheets to suit your needs or override its rules so that you don’t forget anything.



  • The default id of the PowerTip element is powerTip. But this can be changed via the popupId option.
  • The PowerTip element is always a direct child of body, appended after all other content on the page.
  • The tooltip element is not created until you run powerTip().
  • PowerTip will set the display, visibility, opacity, top, left, right, and bottom properties using inline styles.

CSS requirements

The bare minimum that PowerTip requires to work is that the #powerTip element be given absolute positioning and set to not display. For example:

#powerTip {
	position: absolute;
	display: none;

CSS recommendations

High z-index

You will want your tooltips to display over all other elements on your web page. This is done by setting the z-index value to a number greater than the z-index of any other elements on the page. It’s probably a good idea to just set the z-index for the tooltip element to the maximum integer value (2147483647). For example:

#powerTip {
	z-index: 2147483647;

CSS arrows

You probably want to create some CSS arrows for your tooltips (unless you only use mouse-follow tooltips). This topic would be an article unto itself, so if you want to make your own CSS arrows from scratch you should just Google “css arrows” to see how it’s done.

CSS arrows are created by using borders of a specific color and transparent borders. PowerTip adds the arrows by creating an empty :before pseudo element and absolutely positioning it around the tooltip.

It is important to note that if you increase the size of the tooltip arrows and want users to be able to interact with the tooltip content via the mouseOnToPopup option then you will probably need to increase the closeDelay option to provide enough time for the cursor to cross the gap between the element and the tooltip div.

Fixed width

It is recommend, but not required, that tooltips have a static width. PowerTip is designed to work with elastic tooltips, but it can look odd if you have huge tooltips so it is probably best for you to set a width on the tooltip element or (if you have short tooltip text) disable text wrapping. For example:

#powerTip {
	width: 300px;


#powerTip {
	white-space: nowrap;


There are times when you may need to open or close a tooltip manually. To make this possible PowerTip exposes a couple of API methods on the $.powerTip object.


Method Description
show(element, event) 该函数将迫使tooltip为特定元素打开。传递包含想要显示tooltip的元素的jQuery对象。如果传递给函数的jQuery包含多个元素,那只有第一个元素会显示提示。You can also pass it the event (a $.Event) with the pageX and pageY properties for mouse tracking.
hide(element, immediate) Closes any open tooltip. You do not need to specify which tooltip you would like to close (because there can be only one). If you set immediate to true there will be no close delay.
reposition(element) Repositions an open tooltip on the specified element. Use this if the tooltip or the element it opened for has changed its size or position.
destroy(element) This will destroy and roll back any PowerTip instance attached to the matched elements.

You can also pass the API method names as strings to the powerTip() function. For example $(‘#element’).powerTip(‘show’); will cause the matched element to show its tooltip.

可将API方法名作为字符串传递给powerTip函数。例如, $(‘#element’).powerTip(‘show’) 将会导致匹配元素上显示tooltip。


// run powertip on submit button

// open tooltip for submit button

// close (any open) tooltip

记住PowerTip的规则是一次只显示一个tip,所以任何打开tip的动作都会关闭先前的tip。可以通过show()方法强制改变powerTip的默认规则。 Remember that one of the rules for PowerTip is that only one tooltip will be visible at a time, so any open tooltips will be closed before a new tooltip is shown. Forcing a tooltip to open via the show() method does not disable the normal hover tooltips for any other elements. If the user moves their cursor to another element with a tooltip after you call show() then the tooltip you opened will be closed so that the tooltip for the user’s current hover target can open.

##PowerTip Events

PowerTip will trigger several events during operation that you can bind custom code to. These events make it much easier to extend the plugin and work with tooltips during their life cycle. Using events should not be needed in most cases, they are provided for developers who need a deeper level of integration with the tooltip system.


Event Name Description
powerTipPreRender The pre-render event happens before PowerTip fills the content of the tooltip. This is a good opportunity to set the tooltip content data (e.g. data-powertip, data-powertipjq).
powerTipRender Render happens after the content has been placed into the tooltip, but before the tooltip has been displayed. Here you can modify the tooltip content manually or attach events.
powerTipOpen This happens after the tooltip has completed its fade-in cycle and is fully open. You might want to use this event to do animations or add other bits of visual sugar.
powerTipClose Occurs after the tooltip has completed its fade-out cycle and fully closed, but the tooltip content is still in place. This event is useful do doing cleanup work after the user is done with the tooltip.

使用事件 Using events

You can use these events by binding to them on the element(s) that you ran powerTip() on, the recommended way to do that is with the jQuery on() method. For example:

	powerTipPreRender: function() {
		console.log('powerTipRender', this);

		// generate some dynamic content
		$(this).data('powertip' , '<h3 class="title">Default title</h3><p>Default content</p>');
	powerTipRender: function() {
		console.log('powerTipRender', this);

		// change some content dynamically
		$('#powerTip').find('.title').text('This is a dynamic title.');
	powerTipOpen: function() {
		console.log('powerTipOpen', this);

		// animate something when the tooltip opens
		$('#powerTip').find('.title').animate({ opacity: .1 }, 1000).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 1000);
	powerTipClose: function() {
		console.log('powerTipClose', this);

		// cleanup the animation
		$('#powerTip').find('.title').stop(true, true);

The context (the this keyword) of these functions will be the element that the tooltip is open for.

About smart placement

Smart placement is a feature that will attempt to keep non-mouse-follow tooltips within the browser view port. When it is enabled PowerTip will automatically change the placement of any tooltip that would appear outside of the view port, such as a tooltip that would push outside the left or right bounds of the window, or a tooltip that would be hidden below the fold.

It does this by detecting that a tooltip would appear outside of the view port, then trying a series of other placement options until it finds one that isn’t going to be outside of the view port. You can define the placement fall backs and priorities yourself by overriding them in the $.fn.powerTip.smartPlacementLists object.

These are the default smart placement priority lists:

$.fn.powerTip.smartPlacementLists = {
	n: ['n', 'ne', 'nw', 's'],
	e: ['e', 'ne', 'se', 'w', 'nw', 'sw', 'n', 's', 'e'],
	s: ['s', 'se', 'sw', 'n'],
	w: ['w', 'nw', 'sw', 'e', 'ne', 'se', 'n', 's', 'w'],
	nw: ['nw', 'w', 'sw', 'n', 's', 'se', 'nw'],
	ne: ['ne', 'e', 'se', 'n', 's', 'sw', 'ne'],
	sw: ['sw', 'w', 'nw', 's', 'n', 'ne', 'sw'],
	se: ['se', 'e', 'ne', 's', 'n', 'nw', 'se'],
	'nw-alt': ['nw-alt', 'n', 'ne-alt', 'sw-alt', 's', 'se-alt', 'w', 'e'],
	'ne-alt': ['ne-alt', 'n', 'nw-alt', 'se-alt', 's', 'sw-alt', 'e', 'w'],
	'sw-alt': ['sw-alt', 's', 'se-alt', 'nw-alt', 'n', 'ne-alt', 'w', 'e'],
	'se-alt': ['se-alt', 's', 'sw-alt', 'ne-alt', 'n', 'nw-alt', 'e', 'w']

As you can see, each placement option has an array of placement options that it can fall back on. The first item in the array is the highest priority placement, the last is the lowest priority. The last item in the array is also the default. If none of the placement options can be fully displayed within the view port then the last item in the array is the placement used to show the tooltip.

You can override these default placement priority lists before you call powerTip() and define your own smart placement fall back order. Like so:

// define custom smart placement order
$.fn.powerTip.smartPlacementLists.n = ['n', 's', 'e', 'w'];

// these tips will use the custom 'north' smart placement list
	placement: 'n',
	smartPlacement: true

Smart placement is disabled by default because I believe that the world would be a better place if features that override explicit configuration values were disabled by default.

Custom PowerTip Integration

If you need to use PowerTip in a non-standard way, that is to say, if you need tooltips to open and close in some way other than the default mouse-on/mouse-off behavior then you can create your own event handlers and tell PowerTip when it should open and close tooltips.

This is actually quite easy, you just tell PowerTip not to hook the default mouse and keyboard events when you run the plugin by setting the manual option to true, then use the API to open and close tooltips. While this is a bit more technical then just using the default behavior it works just as well. In fact, PowerTip uses this same public API internally. Disable the event hooking

To disable the events that are normally attached when you run powerTip() just set the manual option to true.

$('.tooltips').powerTip({ manual: true });

Now PowerTip has hooked itself to the .tooltips elements, but it will not open tooltips for those elements automatically. You have to manually open the tooltips using the API.

Building your own event handlers

Here is an example of a click-to-open tooltip to show you how it’s done:

// run PowerTip - but disable the default event hooks
$('.tooltips').powerTip({ manual: true });

// hook custom onclick function
$('.tooltips').on('click', function() {
	// hide any open tooltips
	// this is optional, but recommended in case we optimize away the sanity
	// checks in the API at some point.

	// show the tooltip for the element that received the click event

That’s pretty simple, right? This code will open a tooltip when the element is clicked and close it when the element is clicked again, or when another of the .tooltips elements gets clicked.

Now it’s worth noting that this example doesn’t take advantage of the hover intent feature or the tooltip delays because the mouse position was not passed to the show() method.

So let’s take a look at a more complex situation. In the following example we hook up mouse events just like PowerTip would internally (open on mouse enter, close on mouse leave).

// run PowerTip - but disable the default event hooks
$('.tooltips').powerTip({ manual: true });

// hook custom mouse events
	mouseenter: function(event) {
		// note that we pass the jQuery mouse event to the show() method
		// this lets PowerTip do the hover intent testing
		$.powerTip.show(this, event);
	mouseleave: function() {
		// note that we pass the element to the hide() method
		// this lets PowerTip wait before closing the tooltip, if the users
		// mouse cursor returns to this element before the tooltip closes then
		// the close will be canceled

And there you have it. If you want to enable the hover intent testing then you will need to pass the mouse event to the show() method and if you want to enable the close delay feature then you have to pass that element to the hide() method.

Note that only mouse events (mouseenter, mouseleave, hover, mousemove) have the required properties (pageX, and pageY) to do hover intent testing. Click events and keyboard events will not work (and will likely cause an error).


依赖的相关js选项: powertip, highchart。需要在某个控制器中实现两个方法: stock_infouser_info,其代码实例如下:

# 浮动显示用户信息,ajax请求,返回为html
def user_info
  @user = User.where(locale_id:  params[:id]).first
  @user_document = @user.user_document
  @account = @user.bank_accounts.tophold.published.first
  render layout: false 

# 浮动显示股表信息,ajax请求,返回为html
def stock_info
  @stock = Stock.where(id: params[:id]).first
  @quotes_chart = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new('graph') do |f|
    f.options[:chart][:defaultSeriesType] = "line"
    f.options[:rangeSelector] = {:inputEnabled => false, :enabled => false}
    f.options[:chart][:height] = 250
    f.legend({enabled: false})
    f.scrollbar({enabled: false})
    f.navigator({enabled: false})
    f.series(:name=>'股价', :data=> @stock.stock_quotes.y1.map(&:chart_data))
  render layout: false


/* 功能描述: 浮动提示功能
 * 参数描述: item-显示提示的id名(float_user_card,float_stock_card),action-提示Ajax请求对应的动作(user_info,stock_info)
 * 限制: url中的id依赖浮动元素中提供的id属性和class名, float_user_card表明获取用户的信息,float_stock_card表明获取股表信息
 * 具体参考: convert_link中组合的字符串(<a class='float_user_card' id=#{u.locale_id}  href='/accounts/#{u.locale_id}'>#{x}</a>)
function hoverPopup(item,action){
  // console.log("Invoke this function");
    powerTipPreRender: function() {
      if ($("." + action).attr("id") !=  $(this).attr("id")) {
        $('#card_float').html('<img src="/assets/loading.gif" alt="正在加载..."  class="loading"/>');
        console.log("action is " + action + ", id is " + $(this).attr("id"));
                url: "/search_suggestions/"+ action +"?id=" + $(this).attr("id") ,
                type: 'GET',
                cache: true,
      $(this).data('powertip' , $('#card_float').html());
    popupId: 'card_float',
    placement: 'e',
    mouseOnToPopup: true,
    smartPlacement: true

// 调用上述的函数


# 功能描述: 将字符串中以@/$开头、:| |"|'结尾的字符串转换成对应的用户主页或股票主页超连接,@表示人,$表示股表
# 参数描述: 任何字符串包含以并以:| |"|'风格字符串
# 注意: 因为评论中可以存在多个@/$,需要考虑使用懒惰匹配避免最长匹配
# 问题:如何避免$和@之后没有分隔符,匹配行末?没想到好的处理方法。
def convert_link(content)
  content.gsub(/[@|$].+?[:| |"|'|,|,]/).each do |x|
    n = x[1, x.length-2]
    if x[0] == "@"
      u = User.where(name: n).first
      u ? "<strong><a class='float_user_card' id=#{u.locale_id}  href='/accounts/#{u.locale_id}'>#{x}</a></strong>" : x
      u = Stock.where(ticker: n).first
      u ?  "<strong><a class='float_stock_card' id=#{u.id}  href=/asset_class/stocks/#{u.slug} >#{x}</a></strong>" : x



关于提示jQuery插件的问题,其实世界上存在很多的提示插件,clueTip, powerTip以及PoshyTip,关于这些Tip的选择,其实,实际开发中要求要比其提供的实际的例子中困难的多。试了几个插件,总是有些不太满意的地方。细想,何必太较真,不较真不理解个彻底又不太符合自己的个性,好歹也自诩将要称为NB的程序员的。有空总结一下相关的Tip。


<%= high_stock(“quotes_chart”, @quotes_chart) %>

这里一看就知道使用了Ruby的方法,但使用git grep和sublime的全局搜索却只能找到调用的代码,而找不到定义的代码。使用vim-rails的gf命令跳转到类定义的地方,发现是个Gem包,并在lazy_high_charts/layout_helper.rb中到了high_stock的定义。
