11 September 2014


公司网站权限使用了devise,但一直不知道这个到底如何起作用的。今天,想知道为何全部网页的erb视图中都可以访问current_user这个变量时,使用git grep找了半天,都没有找到相应的定义。问过前辈后才 知道,这是由devise默认根据user模型生成的变量。于是,就想称这个机会了解一下devise,下面是对github上devise的readme的翻译和理解。

devise是灵活的基于warden(通用的基于Rack的授权框架)的授权解决方案。 特点:

  • Is Rack based;
  • Is a complete MVC solution based on Rails engines;
  • Allows you to have multiple models signed in at the same time;
  • Is based on a modularity concept: use just what you really need.


  • Database Authenticatable: encrypts and stores a password in the database to validate the authenticity of a user while signing in. The authentication can be done both through POST requests or HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • 数据库授权: 加密并将密码存储在数据库中,用来在用户登录时进行权限验证。权限可以通过POST请求或者HTTP基本的权限验证。
  • Omniauthable: adds Omniauth (https://github.com/intridea/omniauth) support.
  • 授权: 添加了Omniauth的支持
  • Confirmable: sends emails with confirmation instructions and verifies whether an account is already confirmed during sign in.
  • 验证: 发送带有验证的指示emails,验证登录的用户是否已验证过了。
  • Recoverable: resets the user password and sends reset instructions.
  • 恢复: 重置用户密码并发送重置指南。
  • Registerable: handles signing up users through a registration process, also allowing them to edit and destroy their account.
  • 注册: 通过注册流程处理注册用户,并允许其编辑和删除用户。
  • Rememberable: manages generating and clearing a token for remembering the user from a saved cookie.
  • 记忆:从保存的cookie中管理生成和清除的记号。
  • Trackable: tracks sign in count, timestamps and IP address.
  • 追踪: 追踪用户的登录的次数,时间戳和IP地址。
  • Timeoutable: expires sessions that have no activity in a specified period of time.
  • 时效: 在指定的时间之后将不活跃的session强制过期。
  • Validatable: provides validations of email and password. It’s optional and can be customized, so you’re able to define your own validations.
  • 有效性检查: 提供邮箱和密码的有效性检查。该模块可选且可定制,所以可以定义自己的有效性验证。
  • Lockable: locks an account after a specified number of failed sign-in attempts. Can unlock via email or after a specified time period.
  • 锁:在指定的登录尝试之后,锁定某个用户。并在特定时间或通过email解锁。



The Devise wiki

Devise Wiki中有更多额外的信息,一些how-to文章,以及很多常见问题的回答,请在看完README之后浏览wiki:


Bug reports

If you discover a problem with Devise, we would like to know about it. However, we ask that you please review these guidelines before submitting a bug report:



If you found a security bug, do NOT use the GitHub issue tracker. Send an email to opensource@plataformatec.com.br.

Mailing list

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please use the Google Group instead of the GitHub issue tracker:



You can view the Devise documentation in RDoc format here:


If you need to use Devise with previous versions of Rails, you can always run “gem server” from the command line after you install the gem to access the old documentation.

Example applications

There are a few example applications available on GitHub that demonstrate various features of Devise with different versions of Rails. You can view them here:



Our community has created a number of extensions that add functionality above and beyond what is included with Devise. You can view a list of available extensions and add your own here:



We hope that you will consider contributing to Devise. Please read this short overview for some information about how to get started:


You will usually want to write tests for your changes. To run the test suite, go into Devise’s top-level directory and run “bundle install” and “rake”. For the tests to pass, you will need to have a MongoDB server (version 2.0 or newer) running on your system.

Starting with Rails?

If you are building your first Rails application, we recommend you to not use Devise. Devise requires a good understanding of the Rails Framework. In such cases, we advise you to start a simple authentication system from scratch, today we have two resources:


  • Michael Hartl’s online book: http://www.railstutorial.org/book/demo_app#sec-modeling_demo_users
  • Ryan Bates’ Railscast: http://railscasts.com/episodes/250-authentication-from-scratch

Once you have solidified your understanding of Rails and authentication mechanisms, we assure you Devise will be very pleasant to work with. :)


Getting started

Devise 3.0 works with Rails 3.2 onwards. You can add it to your Gemfile with:

Devise和Rails 3.2配套使用。你可以将其添加到你的Gemfile中:

gem 'devise'

Run the bundle command to install it.


After you install Devise and add it to your Gemfile, you need to run the generator:


rails generate devise:install

The generator will install an initializer which describes ALL Devise’s configuration options and you MUST take a look at it. When you are done, you are ready to add Devise to any of your models using the generator:


rails generate devise MODEL

Replace MODEL with the class name used for the application’s users (it’s frequently User but could also be Admin). This will create a model (if one does not exist) and configure it with default Devise modules. The generator also configures your config/routes.rb file to point to the Devise controller.


Next, check the MODEL for any additional configuration options you might want to add, such as confirmable or lockable. If you add an option, be sure to inspect the migration file (created by the generator if your ORM supports them) and uncomment the appropriate section. For example, if you add the confirmable option in the model, you’ll need to uncomment the Confirmable section in the migration. Then run rake db:migrate

然后,检查模型并设置任何想要添加的配置选项,比如验证和锁。如果你添加了一个选项,确保审查迁移文件(如果ORM支持的话,由生成器创建),并对相应的章节进行解注释。例如,想要在模型中添加验证选项,需要解注释迁移文件中的验证章节,然后运行rake db:migrate

Next, you need to set up the default URL options for the Devise mailer in each environment. Here is a possible configuration for config/environments/development.rb:


config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost', port: 3000 }

You should restart your application after changing Devise’s configuration options. Otherwise you’ll run into strange errors like users being unable to login and route helpers being undefined.


控制器过滤器和辅助方法(Controller filters and helpers)

Devise will create some helpers to use inside your controllers and views. To set up a controller with user authentication, just add this before_action (assuming your devise model is ‘User’):


before_action :authenticate_user!

If your devise model is something other than User, replace “_user” with “_yourmodel”. The same logic applies to the instructions below.








After signing in a user, confirming the account or updating the password, Devise will look for a scoped root path to redirect. For instance, for a :user resource, the user_root_path will be used if it exists, otherwise the default root_path will be used. This means that you need to set the root inside your routes:


root to: "home#index"

You can also override after_sign_in_path_for and after_sign_out_path_for to customize your redirect hooks.


Notice that if your Devise model is called Member instead of User, for example, then the helpers available are:


before_action :authenticate_member!




配置模型(Configuring Models)

The Devise method in your models also accepts some options to configure its modules. For example, you can choose the cost of the encryption algorithm with:


devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :confirmable, :recoverable, stretches: 20

Besides :stretches, you can define :pepper, :encryptor, :confirm_within, :remember_for, :timeout_in, :unlock_in among other options. For more details, see the initializer file that was created when you invoked the “devise:install” generator described above.

除了:stretches,也可以定义:pepper, :encryptor, :confirm_within, :remember_for, :timeout_in, :unlock_in以及其他的选项。更多细节参考调用”devise:install”创建的初始化文件。

强度参数(Strong Parameters)

When you customize your own views, you may end up adding new attributes to forms. Rails 4 moved the parameter sanitization from the model to the controller, causing Devise to handle this concern at the controller as well.

当定制自己的视图时,将以添加新的属性到forms中结束。Rails 4将参数处理从模型移动到控制器中,使得Devise也在控制器中处理参数 。

There are just three actions in Devise that allows any set of parameters to be passed down to the model, therefore requiring sanitization. Their names and the permitted parameters by default are:

Devise中只有三个方法允许任意设置传递给模型的参数 ,所以,这需要参数处理。他们的命名和限制参数默认为:

  • sign_in (Devise::SessionsController#new) - 只允许像email这样的授权键。
  • sign_up (Devise::RegistrationsController#create) - 授权键加passwordpassword_confirmation
  • account_update (Devise::RegistrationsController#update) - 授权键加passwordpassword_confirmation以及current_password

In case you want to permit additional parameters (the lazy way™) you can do with a simple before filter in your ApplicationController:


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_action :configure_permitted_parameters, if: :devise_controller?


  def configure_permitted_parameters
    devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) << :username

The above works for any additional fields where the parameters are simple scalar types. If you have nested attributes (say you’re using accepts_nested_attributes_for), then you will need to tell devise about those nestings and types. Devise allows you to completely change Devise defaults or invoke custom behaviour by passing a block:


To permit simple scalar values for username and email, use this


def configure_permitted_parameters
  devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_in) { |u| u.permit(:username, :email) }

If you have some checkboxes that express the roles a user may take on registration, the browser will send those selected checkboxes as an array. An array is not one of Strong Parameters permitted scalars, so we need to configure Devise thusly:


def configure_permitted_parameters
  devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:sign_up) { |u| u.permit({ roles: [] }, :email, :password, :password_confirmation) }

For the list of permitted scalars, and how to declare permitted keys in nested hashes and arrays, see



If you have multiple Devise models, you may want to set up different parameter sanitizer per model. In this case, we recommend inheriting from Devise::ParameterSanitizer and add your own logic:


class User::ParameterSanitizer < Devise::ParameterSanitizer
  def sign_in
    default_params.permit(:username, :email)

And then configure your controllers to use it:


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  def devise_parameter_sanitizer
    if resource_class == User
      User::ParameterSanitizer.new(User, :user, params)
      super # Use the default one

The example above overrides the permitted parameters for the user to be both :username and :email. The non-lazy way to configure parameters would be by defining the before filter above in a custom controller. We detail how to configure and customize controllers in some sections below.


配置视图(Configuring views)

We built Devise to help you quickly develop an application that uses authentication. However, we don’t want to be in your way when you need to customize it.


Since Devise is an engine, all its views are packaged inside the gem. These views will help you get started, but after some time you may want to change them. If this is the case, you just need to invoke the following generator, and it will copy all views to your application:


rails generate devise:views

If you have more than one Devise model in your application (such as User and Admin), you will notice that Devise uses the same views for all models. Fortunately, Devise offers an easy way to customize views. All you need to do is set config.scoped_views = true inside the config/initializers/devise.rb file.

如果应用程序中有多个Devise模型(比如User和Admin),你可能发现Devise对所有的视图使用相同视图。所幸的是,Devise提供了简单的方式来定制视图。所需要做的仅仅是在config/initializers/devise.rb文件中设置config.scoped_views = true

After doing so, you will be able to have views based on the role like users/sessions/new and admins/sessions/new. If no view is found within the scope, Devise will use the default view at devise/sessions/new. You can also use the generator to generate scoped views:


rails generate devise:views users

If you want to generate only a few set of views, like the ones for the registrable and confirmable module, you can pass a list of modules to the generator with the -v flag.


rails generate devise:views -v registrations confirmations

Configuring controllers

If the customization at the views level is not enough, you can customize each controller by following these steps:


  1. 创建定制的视图,比如 Admins::SessionsController:
class Admins::SessionsController <  Devise::SessionsController

Note that in the above example, the controller needs to be created in the app/controllers/admins/ directory.


  1. 告述路由使用该控制器,例如:
devise_for :admins, controllers: { sessions: "admins/sessions" }
  1. devise/sessions将视图拷贝到admins/sessions中。由于控制器改变了,所以并不使用位于devise/sessions的默认视图:

  2. 最后,更改或扩展需要的控制器动作。可以完全覆盖控制器的动作:

class Admins::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
  def create
    # custom sign-in code


class Admins::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
  def create
    super do |resource|

This is useful for triggering background jobs or logging events during certain actions.


Remember that Devise uses flash messages to let users know if sign in was successful or failed. Devise expects your application to call flash[:notice] and flash[:alert] as appropriate. Do not print the entire flash hash, print only specific keys. In some circumstances, Devise adds a :timedout key to the flash hash, which is not meant for display. Remove this key from the hash if you intend to print the entire hash.

记住: Devise使用flash消息通知用户登录是成功还是失败。Devise希望应用程序调用flash[:notice]flash[:alert]。不要打印整个flash哈希,而是仅打印特定的键。Devise添加了:timedout到flash哈希中,如果想要打印整个hash,请删除该键。


Configuring routes

Devise also ships with default routes. If you need to customize them, you should probably be able to do it through the devise_for method. It accepts several options like :class_name, :path_prefix and so on, including the possibility to change path names for I18n:


devise_for :users, path: "auth", path_names: { sign_in: 'login', sign_out: 'logout', password: 'secret', confirmation: 'verification', unlock: 'unblock', registration: 'register', sign_up: 'cmon_let_me_in' }

Be sure to check devise_for documentation for details.


If you have the need for more deep customization, for instance to also allow “/sign_in” besides “/users/sign_in”, all you need to do is to create your routes normally and wrap them in a devise_scope block in the router:


devise_scope :user do
  get "sign_in", to: "devise/sessions#new"

This way you tell Devise to use the scope :user when /sign_in is accessed. Notice devise_scope is also aliased as as in your router.


Devise uses flash messages with I18n with the flash keys :notice and :alert. To customize your app, you can set up your locale file:


      signed_in: 'Signed in successfully.'

You can also create distinct messages based on the resource you’ve configured using the singular name given in routes:


        signed_in: 'Welcome user, you are signed in.'
        signed_in: 'Hello admin!'

The Devise mailer uses a similar pattern to create subject messages:


        subject: 'Hello everybody!'
        user_subject: 'Hello User! Please confirm your email'
        subject: 'Reset instructions'

Take a look at our locale file to check all available messages. You may also be interested in one of the many translations that are available on our wiki:



Caution: Devise Controllers inherit from ApplicationController. If your app uses multiple locales, you should be sure to set I18n.locale in ApplicationController


Test helpers

Devise includes some test helpers for functional specs. In order to use them, you need to include Devise in your functional tests by adding the following to the bottom of your test/test_helper.rb file:


class ActionController::TestCase
  include Devise::TestHelpers

If you are using RSpec, you can put the following inside a file named spec/support/devise.rb or in your spec/spec_helper.rb:


RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include Devise::TestHelpers, type: :controller

Now you are ready to use the sign_in and sign_out methods. Such methods have the same signature as in controllers:


sign_in :user, @user   # sign_in(scope, resource)
sign_in @user          # sign_in(resource)

sign_out :user         # sign_out(scope)
sign_out @user         # sign_out(resource)

There are two things that are important to keep in mind:


  1. These helpers are not going to work for integration tests driven by Capybara or Webrat. They are meant to be used with functional tests only. Instead, fill in the form or explicitly set the user in session;
  • 这些辅助对使用Capybara或Webrat驱动的继承测试不起作用。但这不意味着其只能用在功能测试中,可以通过表单填充或显式在session中设置。
  1. If you are testing Devise internal controllers or a controller that inherits from Devise’s, you need to tell Devise which mapping should be used before a request. This is necessary because Devise gets this information from the router, but since functional tests do not pass through the router, it needs to be told explicitly. For example, if you are testing the user scope, simply do:
  • 如果测试Devise的内部控制器或者继承自Devise的控制器,需要告诉Devise在请求之前,设置Devise使用何种映射。由于Devise通过路由获取信息,而功能测试不经过路由,所以需要显式通知。例如,如果测试user scope,操作如下:
@request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
get :new


Devise comes with Omniauth support out of the box to authenticate with other providers. To use it, just specify your omniauth configuration in config/initializers/devise.rb:


config.omniauth :github, 'APP_ID', 'APP_SECRET', scope: 'user,public_repo'

You can read more about Omniauth support in the wiki:


  • https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/OmniAuth:-Overview

配置多个模型(Configuring multiple models)

Devise allows you to set up as many Devise models as you want. If you want to have an Admin model with just authentication and timeout features, in addition to the User model above, just run:

# Create a migration with the required fields
create_table :admins do |t|
  t.string :email
  t.string :encrypted_password

# Inside your Admin model
devise :database_authenticatable, :timeoutable

# Inside your routes
devise_for :admins

# Inside your protected controller
before_filter :authenticate_admin!

# Inside your controllers and views

Alternatively, you can simply run the Devise generator.


Keep in mind that those models will have completely different routes. They do not and cannot share the same controller for sign in, sign out and so on. In case you want to have different roles sharing the same actions, we recommend you to use a role-based approach, by either providing a role column or using a dedicated gem for authorization.

谨记:这些模型将有完全不同的路由。不能也不应该在sign in和sign out等时共享相同的控制器。在这种情况下,相同方法可能有不同的角色,推荐使用基于角色的方法,或者提供规则列,或是使用特定的授权gem包。

Other ORMs

Devise supports ActiveRecord (default) and Mongoid. To choose other ORM, you just need to require it in the initializer file.


Additional information


Using Devise on Heroku with Ruby on Rails 3.1 requires setting:

config.assets.initialize_on_precompile = false

Read more about the potential issues at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html


Devise is based on Warden, which is a general Rack authentication framework created by Daniel Neighman. We encourage you to read more about Warden here:

Devise是基于Warden,后者是一个通用的基于Rack的由Daniel Neighman创建的权限框架。建议从如下的地址了解更多关于warden的信息。



We have a long list of valued contributors. Check them all at:



MIT License. Copyright 2009-2014 Plataformatec. http://plataformatec.com.br

You are not granted rights or licenses to the trademarks of the Plataformatec, including without limitation the Devise name or logo.


看完Devise,无非获得了这样的一些认识,Rack-based,current_user,devise视图和控制器,模型和devise,一些可用的方法: before_action :authenticate_member!user_session等。
